Friday, November 18, 2011

R “V” suffering (or enjoying) Split personality disorder!!!???

In the last few years I watched couple of movies which were about people suffering from Split personality disorder. List of such movies include A BEAUTIFUL MIND, SHUTTER ISLAND ,BLACK SWAN . Characters suffering from this disease become a different person in a given situation (or in response to a stimulus) and once they come out of the situation than they become usual themselves(the way most of the people know them).Interesting part of this disease is that such people don’t remember anything about what they did while being the “Person in the situation” so practically if they commit a crime or hurt themselves then they would feel innocent after being caught for the crime or would feel hurt without realizing that they have actually hurt themselves.

Couple of days ago I made a similar realization about myself .I was feeling hurt being a PAKISTANI due to the crimes which are committed against my country and nation and then suddenly I realized that I am no different from Asif Ali Zardari or from anyone from the Gang. My own crimes are limited because my power to commit a crime is limited .Same is the case with everyone around me .

From a motor mechanic to a Government officer, From a Doctor to a teacher

Most of us

Compromise on our work ethics

Want to dominate others

Want to be treated differently from the masses

Want to be above the Law

How much crimes “V” commit under such situations depends upon stimulus of Authority and Power, Stronger the stimulus and bigger would be the crime. Due to our “National Personality Disorder” “V” don’t remember the crimes which “V” commit individually while being in the situation and “V” don’t remember that “V” have hurt ourselves(being Pakistani).After committing a crime or hurting ourselves “V” search for the criminal and the savior around us without realizing that both are within us(part of our being).

Thursday, August 18, 2011

How killing would stop the killings !

I never realised what a bomb blast is untill I actually heard one at Moon market Iqbal Town,I felt what immages were telling when I actually saw the burned shops.Before that images were just part of the News (worthy of attention for max few seconds and than flipping of pages of newspaper or switching to other channels).Now when I listen to News about Karachi than its easier to visualise how blood gushes out of the body,How women scream and mourn,How it feels to be desprate!How suddenly people become things which are to be burried (disposed off)before moving on with life.

Tonight when I started typing this post than the central idea was that unless C.M Sindh, experience the same sufferings,the bloodshed would not stop in Karachi,Fight between Pathan(who are moving away from north and settling in Karachi)and Urdu Speaking(who don’t want Pathans to settle down as it would affect political dominance of MQM)suits all the stake holders in Karachi!

For MQM this situation delays poulation census so that voter lists are not updated to indicate changes in demographics.

For ANP its an opportunity to counter strike and establish themselves with more seats in Karachi.

For PPP (Sind)it’s a fight between two groups who have settled and occupied a land which originally belongerd to Sindhis so it’s a source of satisfaction for them.

This situation can be immediately stopped and Law enforcing authorities can regain control Only and only If someone from the Government loses some of his loved ones!

(No Bulshit statement would come by Rehman Malik when his own son would die and Federal Govt will not seek advice for sending rescue teams when CM Sind would be kidnapped and his mutilated boddy would be found in a bag).

People in the power(and people who are indifferent about the country) must taste the sufferings!They must realise that “ what goes around ,comes around!”

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

BOL !!! (Time to open up!)

BOL was the most awaited MOVIE OF THE YEAR. There were many reasons for having expectations from it. Firstly it was second movie by Shoaib Mansoor after “Khuda Kay Liya” which appealed both masses and classes simultaneously. Second reason was Atif Aslam !(Though one discovers after watching the movie that this movie is not about him at all!)

There is no doubt about the level of entertainment it offers. Subject, Story, music , performances and overall presentation all gel well with each other. The movie discusses how hypocratic and shallow our value systems are and how do “V” use religion only when it suits us!!!In order to present the true picture of the society ,Director Shoiab Mansoor has freely used and censor board approved use of abusive language, names of the sects, some humor about religious beliefs and practices.
All of this could have been easier to swallow had the movie been classified for mature audiences only. It becomes a very uncomfortable situation to handle when children and elders both are around and you are listening raw and blunt local expressions related to prostitutes and family extension.

My estimate is that the budget of the movie would be around 15 million Rs. It has been released in 23 cinemas nationwide and the kind of opening it has received by the audiences, it should be able to recover its investment within one week. It would send very welcoming signals to new film makers who want to make films but are reluctant due to social and film industry conditions. This movie is also expected to be released in India by Eros International so lot of revenue can be expected for the makers of this move who made a very non commercial movie(which occasionally sounded like sponsored from NGOs and Family planning commission of Pakistan!).

After observing how Indians and Iranis have used cinema for their national interest, I feel “V” all were wrong to laugh at and ignore local cinema. Film makers like Shoaib Mansoor have actually showed us that when there is a will than there is a way so inspite of all the social unrest and slump at Lollywood, A movie(without any skin exposure) has actually pulled the crowd back to cinemas.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pakistan beyond Pakistan!

So what is next for Pakistan?

Army failed when hostages were taken at G.H.Q

Air Force failed when Americans came and left through air without being intercepted for Osama Operation

Navy failed when planes were destroyed at navel airbase

Hope from legislature is fading and “V” never looked up to the Executive/Parliament for rescue.

People failed when religion and personal opinions got mixed up and value systems got shattered

All of this could be avoided had “V” not assumed that Army, Judiciary,Madrisas or other institutions are above criticism and audits. They are free to interfere in electoral process for keeping REAL public representatives away from Parliament.

When “V” criticize Army than its not the operational staff from an ordinary soldier(Sipahi)to a colonel but Ranks of brigadier and above which apparently are not focused on their responsibilities. Army’s involvement in Politics has surely affected its professional competency as Pakistan’s history of Wars in Dhaka and Kargil suggests.

It is now becoming a commonly known fact that Nukes and Gwader port are the reasons due to which America, Israel, Iran and India are becoming involved in Pakistan. Supposedly these countries have planned and funded to create unrest in Pakistan and as a result “V” as a nation are just not settling down economically, Socially and politically.

In spite of disappointment “V” must backup our forces so that they feel stronger while replying to the might of USA and Europe. Now a days “War of Bader” (Gazwa Bader in which 313 Muslims defeated mighty enemy with God’s help)seems to be an out of fashion and logic reference but I feel that it is just the right reference while considering to stand up against America.

Like everyone on the media ,”V” are doing nothing but discussing the magnitude of failure for the state but “V” must realize that 180 million can not migrate, If “V” actually accept American offer/threat and give up our weapons of mass destruction than “practically “V” would be redoing what general Niazi did in 1971.

Hey People! “Pakistan is our country and our recognition even if “V” migrate from the country. Our children born in America and Europe would be Britain based Pakis OR British Pakis or Paki origin Americans so lets not give up what ”V” have(our identity!)! Either “V” like it or not but “V” need to be different from our Rulers.”V” need to own the country and everything about it (either good or bad).If something needs to be changed than practically "V" should do something or just shut up!

Lets believe that there our good times ahead and yes “V” have accepted that “V” will be tested (apparently within the next 12 months). Lets be ready that survival of a nation roots from the sacrifices which come by free will, May it be in the form of loosing Life, Loss of valuables or unacknowledged acts of heroism.

My country men! Lets decide that human life is not more precious than the country(unless a life is needed for the country)and lets accept that if the Americans are coming than they loose more than “V” do! ”V" are a nation of 180 million believers and it would take more than weapons to defeat us!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is the choice obvious?

Ever since I started observing Politics in Pakistan, I saw me and my family supporting Pakistan Muslim League. We were always against People’s Party and now the dislike has become even more intense during current Zardari regime. Till few days back I was anxiously waiting for tenure of current Government to end for Mian brother’s Muslim League. Now I am confused about possible effectiveness of PML(N).

I am confused between Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (Imran Khan) and Pakistan Muslim League(PML-N).I have started feeling that Imran Khan has shown great team management skills in whatever he has achieved so far. He comes across as a person who sets very tough targets for himself and than steadily works towards achieving them. Like most of the American Presidents ,he excelled and became a young achiever in a profession before joining Politics.According to number of sources ,he had a chance to hold P.M office through care taker government or during Musharaf regime but he refused.According to Wikileaks he is the only main stream Politician who is not under American influence.

Initially I believed that PML-N is in a better position to improve economy. Mian brothers are businessmen so they know how to develop infrastructure and boost economic growth but when I look back at their performance in the last three years than I feel disappointed. Before Mian Shehbaz Sharif took over as C.M of Punjab ,Pervez Elahi had established RESCUE 1122,Traffic Warden systems,Free education(though all of it came with a packaged deal of corruption) but during his current tenure Shehbaz Sharif has not displayed any achievement which can be considered this effective.PML-N supporters argue that atleast Shehbaz Sharif did not remove what Pervez Elahi had established but they cant claim much as far as any new developments are concerned. There is a big question mark about effectiveness of Danish public school systems when there is a huge education related infrastructure already available which needs to be rejuvenated.It is true that current Punjab government is under great pressure from terrorism and offensive politics from People Party(also according to Transparency International Punjab has lowest corruption ratings amongst all provinces) but failure to manage Sugar mills(about seven of them belong to Mian Shareef Family),Poor management of Young doctors association,Handling of PCS officers are a few examples of management which is reactive rather than proactive.

Couple of days back when I was getting irritated about tax deduction from my salary than I came to know that Imran Khan paid Rs 1.8 million tax as compared to NO Tax by Gillani and Zardari and Rs 5,000 of Mian Nazaz Sharif. I feel that no matter how good relations Mian Nawaz Sharif has with the Gulf and Asian belt but if such a billionaire is not ready to pay tax than how can he be honest about issues and concerns of Pakistani Tax payers who are paying Tax without any social security system.I feel this is time to try someone new to keep the hope alive rather than getting disappointed by the people who are in a habit of justifying failures

Friday, March 18, 2011

Is there any twist in the tail???

“V” all hate the way Raymond Davis (or whoever was he) has been released. There is no point in further discussing how bad our national integrity is hurt(If “V” had any!).Even those looked upset who were already saying that he would be released in spite being a spy and a murderer.

I feel that his arrest was not circumstantial, He was arrested and kept for so many days because ISI(Intelligence Services Agency) of Pakistan and CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)of America had to negotiate .ISI wanted to send some strong signals for restricting growing American involvement in Geo strategic issues of Pakistan. Some people believe that Americans are architecting for Pakistan what they have already executed in Egypt, Tunisian Republic, Libya and Bahrain .

USA keeps both the corrupt leaders (and required Army personnel) and their alternatives at their Payroll in all strategic locations (If some leader does not extend his support than can be substituted by his close but corrupt next in command).For this purpose they need to do their home work at the grass root level. That is where likes of Raymond Davis come in who are familiar with the local languages and have enough courage to remove anyone whenever needed.

Conspiracy theory is that ISI did not allow release of Raymond until CIA asked rest of the agents to pack back from Pakistan .If this theory is true than USA strikes over Pakistan would be lot more open and deadly now(Just like drone attack on 17th march North Waziristan Agency at the Jirga.There is some hope that these direct offenses by American troops might finally shake Army to react and push back the Americans.If it actually happens than Raymond's release might turn ot to be a blessing in disguise!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Media Matters!!!

One of the few things which have improved in last couple of years is the independence of media. I do not say that it is broadcasting/publishing truth all the time but still competition keeps the channels /Newspapers alive and focused. In order to survive and compete, channels are giving more and more importance to investigative journalism. Those Anchors and programs which got initially successful just because masses were clapping at the fighting between guests and participants now have to find new tools to sustain program ratings. They are reinventing charisma of presenters, playing MMS clips of scandals and breaking corruption related stories. On one hand I really admire wonders of competition between media groups but on the other hand “V” also need to be careful that this competition is not “Perfect competition” of economics in which “No single buyer and seller can influence the market”. With the rising strength of media, few media players /groups are rising even more quickly than the media industry(and they can take advantage of their prominence and influence) and that is what “V” need to watch out from!

“V” need to be more analytic before forming any opinion based on a media report. Most of the sponsorship is supposed to come from Karachi which is under influence of MQM so channels are very careful in broadcasting anything against Altaf hussain and his supporters. In fact channels have to run coverage of MQM party meetings because otherwise their broadcast in Karachi can be stopped via cable operators. Similarly Anchors at ruling party’s payroll become lenient on government inefficiencies and start justifying its failures (Consider response of Rauf Klassra , abbas ather and Nazir Naji at various talk shows and in their own columns).Similarly some presenters/columnists seem to be at Opposition’s payroll (likes of Irfan Siddique and Ata ul haq qasmi etc).

“V” as viewers need to be aware of the developments taking place in our country and in this regard “V” need to analyze what media presents and highlights but at the same time in case of a breaking story or a scandal “V” should consider coverage by media opponents to have a clearer picture about the Issue. For example If a news breaks at GEO than “V” can wait for Dunya, DAWN NEWS or Express to cover the same incident before displaying any reaction or forming any opinion. Some times on the same channels presenters arrange to air both sides of the story so “V’ can analyze through arguments, body language and tone variation of the guests about how much they believe in their own and party point of view.

Some people might say that these talk shows or columns are loosing significance because nothing seems to be improving but the way developments are taking place at the strategic ends,Role of media is crucial in bringing the updates.”V” need to spend more time in analyzing what the local and international media covers and what it hides.I feel that media has raised awareness of an average Pakistani about national issues and power structure in the country.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

No one killed Narendra Modi!!!

Only those who keep walking get sweet returns...
look at the sun's perseverance - dynamic & always on the move, never dormant...
hence keep moving.

This is the title quote at the home page of an Indian who is considered to be one of the primary suspects in 2002 Gujarat violence/Riots and Godhra Train Burning(India) in which about 2,000 people lost their lives and thousands got injured(Supposedly mostly Muslims who also lost their businesses and role in economic activity).His involvement in the incident was so obvious that even the Americans (who are considered pro-India due to their vested economic interest ) revoked his visa( He was cited for responsibility for violations of religious freedom under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998). As an aftermath of the riots, there were calls for Modi to resign from his position as chief minister of Gujarat. The opposition parties stalled the national parliament over the issue. Even Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and Telugu Desam Party (TDP), allies of the BJP, asked for Modi's resignation. Modi submitted his resignation to the Governor and recommended the dissolution of the 10th Gujarat Legislative Assembly. In the following state re-elections the BJP, led by Modi, won 127 seats in the 182-member assembly.He is theChief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat since 7 October 2001, making him the longest serving Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat.

Being a Pakistani I used to believe that Indians keep on electing him because they all hate Muslims so elect the symbol of this hatred but I am afraid that I was wrong and following are the reasons why!!!

1: 2001 Gujarat Earthquake: For Narendra Modi's outstanding contribution for disaster management and rehabilitation, on 16-10-2003 Gujarat govt got UN Sasakawa Certificate of Merit for outstanding work in the field of disaster management and risk reduction.

2: He re-organised the government's administrative structure and embarked upon a massive cost-cutting exercise.As a result of his elaborate efforts, Gujarat registered a GDP growth rate of over 10% during his first tenure. This was the highest growth rate among all the Indian states.

3: Gujarat has only 5% of India’s population and 6% of its geographical area, but its contribution to India in terms of ‘Value of Output’ is 16.10%; in terms of exports it is 16% and in terms of stock market capitalization it is 30%.With over 3 lac small scale units, over 2200 large and medium industries, 83 closely integrated industrial clusters, 182 industrial estates and 33 Special Economic Zones with flexible labour laws and an easy exit policy – Gujarat is one of the most industrialized states of India. Gujarat has a 16.2% share in India’s industrial production whereas the percentage of man-days lost in Gujarat due to labour strife is just 0.52% - the lowest in the country.

4: What is more important is that the growth is coupled with financial discipline. Soon after he became the Chief Minister, Modi focused on curtailing government expenditure and emphasized on the recovery of government dues. The sales tax income which was Rs.5,890 crores when he took over increased to Rs.10,606 crores within 4 years, more importantly without imposing any new taxes. Since the last 3 years, development expenditure is more than the non-development expenditure in Gujarat, which is an unusual phenomenon.

This post has not been uploaded in praise of Narendra Modi and to portray him as a Good person but to create awareness amongst all those people who are arguing about roles of Salman Taseer and Mumtaz Qadri.”V” need to realize that when a ruler brings welfareto his people than no one can kill him .I am not referring to death in terms of soul leaving body but soul surviving in the minds of the people and in the Systems/Institutions developed!

Narendra Modi started his career from Rashtriya savik singh(Indian militant extremist group) and later on established himself politically through Bharatiya Janata Party BJP which is also known for its extremist views but he is acceptable for the society due to his administrative ability whereas our extremist leaders our known for creating social mess only!!!

A few of the awards bagged for different developmental initiatives/achievements in Gujarat during the tenure of Modi are:
• UN Sasakawa Award for outstanding reconstruction work in disaster risk reduction
• World Bank Green Awards for excellence in environment consciousness during post earthquake rehabilitation
• CAPAM Gold Award from Commonwealth Associations for innovations in governance
• Dubai International Award to Surat Municipal Corporation for Best Practices in SWM and Urban Governance
• India Tech Excellence Award 2005 for the most progressive and dynamic state in power sector reforms
• UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Award for reconstruction of a Gurudwara damaged during the earthquake
• Computer Society of India and Nihilant Technology Citizen Facilitation Award for the Best e-Governed State
• Computer Society of India and Nihilant Technology Best Service Orientation Award to Ahmedabad Collectorate’s Citizen Charter
• ELITEX 2007 - Best E-governed State Award from Government of India in January 2007

Sources:Related web links

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rising Pedophile cases in Pakistan (Do “V” need to be cautious???)

With the rise in economic depression and spread of uncensored and unchecked entertainment media there seems to be a rise in all sorts of crimes. Theft, burglary, murder were always there but recently media is reporting lot of Pedophile cases. Children have been found dead after being molested and abused in different cities. According to a report in “Daily Times”
Punjab is on the top of the list for child molestation with 62 percent of such cases, 154 in Lahore and the rest in other cities of Punjab. In total, 68 percent girls and 32 percent boys have been the victims of pedophilia. The number increased by 9.4 percent as compared to 2008. Statistics show that around 81 percent of the cases were registered with the police. The study shows that 2,012 children were reportedly abused in 2009 and most of them were abused by acquaintances.

According to Wikipedia As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary).

One opinion is that such cases were always here in our society but its just that media has started reporting them now. Such incidents are a norm in Madrisa (religious schools where children usually study under boarding system). In rural areas Men marrying girls of 13 years or less age is also a type of abuse (Apparently they refer to marriage between B.B Hazrat Ayesha and Holy prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H for justification even though it might not be the correct reference as some suggest that B.B Hazrat Ayesha’s was an adult by the time she started living with the prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H).

Suggested safety measures:

1: Pedophilias are the people who are so weak (mentally) that they can only target children rather than adults so no matter how strong they look, ”V”(both men and women) can face them and resist them physically .If they are shameless less than “V” should be at least fearless if not ruthless with them.

2: Usually these are the people who are known to the children and have a direct or indirect access to them so for your child’s safety trust no body even the Uncles, Neighbors or the servants who take them out for walk or for free sweets. At least keep an eye on whoever is accompanying your child.

3: Until your child crosses the age of 18, try to monitor on hourly basis when the child is out of sight.

4: Encourage children to keep a mobile while leaving home other than the for school(Give them low cost cheap mobiles which can only be used for voice or data communication so that children don’t attract burglars or loss of mobile due to any reason doesn’t cost much).

5: In case of a mishap usually parents avoid reporting of such incident due to social stigma, PLEASE DO IT SO THAT YOU CAN SAVE OTHER CHILDREN or at least refer to Law enforcing, media authorities or some related NGO with a request to stay anonymous (Even our police is likely to be helpful when it comes to crimes against children).