Friday, December 4, 2009

Working Housewives???

Working wives???

Husband: I work so i get tired and when I comeback home than I do not want to be disturbed .Please do not expect that I will be able to help our children study. I pay for their fee and other luxuries and that’s it .Rest is your obligation.

Wife: I also work, why shouldn't I come up with same demands?

Husband: What do you mean you work? You stay at home as a

Wife: Who does the cleaning here?
Husband: You do off course.

Wife: Who does the laundry?
Husband: You.

Wife: Cooking?
Husband: It's your job why do you have to mention it?

Wife: Because unlike you, my working hours are never over. You demand break when you are tired but when I am done with cooking than I have to help children do their homework and have to hurry so that I can do the dishes quickly. When I am done with all the cleaning and helping than I have to spare some time for you (while keeping myself looking fresh and pleasant as a woman)so that you do not feel ignored and after such a long day I realize that what ever I do is not considered work. I am given lesser importance than working women.

Husband: This is how women are supposed to be. You are no exception. Any woman has to perform all the duties you mentioned.

Wife: Can't it be said about you also? You do what men are supposed to do.

Husband: Tahir's wife is working and she manages the home also.
Wife: Samina's husband helps the children study and her wife doing the dishes.

Husband: Alright I am sick of all these arguments. If you are not comfortable with all this than you can go back to your parents house and stay there for the rest of your life.

Arguing woman leaves the room quietly as she has to serve soup to her aged Father in Law.