Thursday, April 22, 2010

Confused Muslims!

The more I observe the more I realize that Islam is basically a way of Life in which primary focus is on behaving in a certain manner in our routine life and the other part of the religion which is about prayers and meditation is actually of lesser importance.

I feel this way because with the passage of time I have seen the society deteriorating in terms of moral values and conduct .On the same channel we see clip of a Beauty contest ( of the stage which is suitable for adult viewers only )and an episode of “Alim on Line” by Dr.Amir Liaqat Hussein for guiding on religious affairs.
I see people keeping beard, calling themselves hajji sab and not honoring commitments or asking for adult entertainment at the DVD stores or being involved in bribery . Women following hijab continuously seeking male companionship. People performing Hajj(Pilgrimage) through income for which it is almost certain that it is not hard earned. The most painful of all unrighteous deeds/sin which is telling a Lie/Falsehood has become acceptable and a norm in our society. “V” the whole Muslim society collectively have failed to understand curse of Interest based economy .

When I mention sins or ill practices by people keeping a beard or women following Hijab than it does not mean that I do not consider others as Muslims but I mention it to indicate confused acts . “V” are ready to talk about a possible bloody Islamic revolution (Iran’s Khumani style) but we are not ready to filter our entertainment, change the way we treat our women or increase our income without actually working for it.

1: Can we have a new censor policy, banking system without a forced radical change?

2: Do we actually want to change this society and ourselves?

3: Did Taliban succeed and are still successful because major part of the society wanted to change but did not want to step out of its comfort zone so when a group enforced Islamic practices than the bodies followed which the minds knew was right?

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