Thursday, April 22, 2010

Confused Muslims!

The more I observe the more I realize that Islam is basically a way of Life in which primary focus is on behaving in a certain manner in our routine life and the other part of the religion which is about prayers and meditation is actually of lesser importance.

I feel this way because with the passage of time I have seen the society deteriorating in terms of moral values and conduct .On the same channel we see clip of a Beauty contest ( of the stage which is suitable for adult viewers only )and an episode of “Alim on Line” by Dr.Amir Liaqat Hussein for guiding on religious affairs.
I see people keeping beard, calling themselves hajji sab and not honoring commitments or asking for adult entertainment at the DVD stores or being involved in bribery . Women following hijab continuously seeking male companionship. People performing Hajj(Pilgrimage) through income for which it is almost certain that it is not hard earned. The most painful of all unrighteous deeds/sin which is telling a Lie/Falsehood has become acceptable and a norm in our society. “V” the whole Muslim society collectively have failed to understand curse of Interest based economy .

When I mention sins or ill practices by people keeping a beard or women following Hijab than it does not mean that I do not consider others as Muslims but I mention it to indicate confused acts . “V” are ready to talk about a possible bloody Islamic revolution (Iran’s Khumani style) but we are not ready to filter our entertainment, change the way we treat our women or increase our income without actually working for it.

1: Can we have a new censor policy, banking system without a forced radical change?

2: Do we actually want to change this society and ourselves?

3: Did Taliban succeed and are still successful because major part of the society wanted to change but did not want to step out of its comfort zone so when a group enforced Islamic practices than the bodies followed which the minds knew was right?

Please participate in the discussion by adding comments to the post and please extend the link to your mailing and contact lists in order to extend this discussion platform.


  1. AOA, I have shear disagreements with some of your views presented here. I'll soon upload my detailed comments.

  2. AA, Its good that at-least some people think about whats going on around us! Although such views and opinions are common within our society where we are ready to criticise and suggest others that what should be done and what they should do but among all this we subtract ourselves, we never implement any ideas/suggestions/criticism given to others on our ownselves. This is our present society. we take pride in cricism! Is it So!

    A new censor policy perhaps you mean for digital media taking strict control over sexsual content. I diasagree with such a policy. The reason is that Islam is more than something which forbids open sex. Stopping sexsual content on digital media shall not facilitate Islamic culture rather the reasons for sexsual discontent and frustration needs to be addressed.

    The banking system can be replaced, there is no question about it. But to devise a system which can transparently and smoothly makes changes may take sometime. Islamic banking has already started. Although people within the banking sector say that it is merely a game of substituting the word "interest" with words more favourable in the society. It is a long debate but such a change is in progress and would become imperative in a few years time.

    Do we want to change. Speaking from the moist basic/intrinsic level, the answer is yes. But this requires that people of Pakistan should be above minimum subsistence level. As long as people at large would be forced to meet the basic necessities such as bread, clean water, medical, sugar, employment etc no change can be thought off.

    I dont even understand that why you wrote point/question # 3. Because which Islam Taliban implemented. The hijab, is that all about Islam. Is Islam simply completes in totality when women start practice of Hijab. Come on yar be true to yourself and to your religion. Islam is complete code of life. Think about Huqoqul Ebad and Huququllah. What about Namaz and getting education/educated/knowledge. Islam has made Husolae Ilm & Namaz "Farz" at the same time. What about Eijtehad and modern day practices. Wher do we stand today what aspects need to be elaborated further. What about sexsual education to our young people. What about Quranic saying on issues such as women, londi, intercourse with your wife etc". 99.99% of the people I know which includes me also are not clear on so many issues and if you ask any Moulvi/Aalim, he shall not answer your questions. I have tried this not due to the reason that he does not want to tell but because he doesnot know.

    I hope that I have clarified my point.

    All the best and keep probing to all who read your blog about ourselves, our religion and our country.

    All the best


  3. PART I
    Koran says, “And we have not created humans and jinnies except to worship us.” So Islam is focused only and exclusively on one matter: worship of God. The only thing which distinguishes Islam from most of other religions, is that this worship/Ibaadat of God is neither limited to the private life of a Muslim, nor is limited to the rituals performed in the temple/mosque. In Islam, a Muslim is bound to be in the state of worship/Ibaadat, whether he is in mosque performing rituals, in his shop doing his business, in a market doing some shopping, in his home enjoying his family life, in playground enjoying some sport or sleeping in his bed for revitalizing his energies. So it is a must that whatever he does, must be according to the teachings of Koran, Sunnah and Hadith. This is the true meaning of the popular notion that “Islam is a complete code of life.”
    Secondly, in principle Islam does not divide rights into two categories: Rights of God and rights of creatures. (Sorry to have views in opposite to the clichés of the society). In principle Islam recognizes only Rights of God. What is sometimes ascribed to as rights of creatures (to distinguish them as per their apparent form and apparent course) are nothing but a sub-category of the rights of God. Actually only God has right to give orders to his creatures. Rights of creatures are not established by their own, but are founded by the commandment of God. So if we owe such rights as rights of the prophet (PBUH), rights of parents, rights of fellow human beings, rights of animals etc., all of them are actually rights of God, and must be observed in this spirit.

  4. Thanks to Both Faisal Bhai and Uzair for sharing your views.

    Faisal Bhai theme of this Blog is "V" the Pakistanis so I am very much part of what is happening in the society and being a Pakistani I have realized my shortcomings and whatever I mention in the posts is what I have been directly or indirectly part of.

    When I mentioned Taliban than it was not out of admiration but due to the fact that a large part of the population started following Islamic practices when everybody was practicing Islam by force otherwise they could continue with their laziness. I feel same would happen here when “Might” would force people out of their comfort zones than a larger portion of the population would continue with the Islamic practices even after the force disappears.

    Uzair what you have mentioned is not contradictory to my observations. If I use your expression than I mean to say that we focus more on those orders by God which are related to prayers and meditation but are careless in following orders which guide about our day to day conduct.

    Inam Arif Qasmi

  5. AA, Inam its not about revolution, its about meeting the basic needs and making people free to make a choice.

    All the best


  6. PART II
    · What our channels are doing is nothing but business. Presenting beauty contests and “Alim on line”, both are the demands of their business, and they are doing it with the same commitment.
    · The channels are committing a crime by supporting the idea that Jinnah wanted to see Pakistan a secular state. They are supporting this idea due to obvious reasons. Secular Pakistan is a million times better market for these channels as compared to Islamic Pakistan. What they want to sell could only be sold in secular Pakistan.
    · “I see people keeping beard, calling themselves hajji sab and not honoring commitments or asking for adult entertainment at the DVD stores or being involved in bribery. Women following hijab continuously seeking male companionship.” Whether we are religious Muslims or not, we are Muslims by race, not by our conscious decision. Being Muslim is actually a conscious decision. We are Muslims because we were born in Muslim families. Just like Hindus are Hindus and Christians are Christians for they were born in respective Hindu and Christian families. If our “eemaan” is not our conscious decision, is it “eemaan” or just racial prejudice? Can such racial prejudice help us in attaining our goals in this world and hereafter? It is very simple to demonstrate that if our “eemaan” is not our conscious decision, we will not be committed persons, and we will show double standards, as you referred to.
    · My opinion is that these are not confused acts. This is sort of hypocrisy.
    · If we will have a censor policy or new banking system with forced change, the society will not tolerate it in long term and will throw it up after sometime. Change will be successful if it is brought by the collective will of the society.
    · Sure, but first myself. (Maududi’s “Deeniyaat” and “Khutbaat” is my best guide. These two books must be read by every Muslim today, without them a “modern” educated person of this time cannot understand Islam).
    · Success of Taliban is very complex phenomenon. These factors to which you referred to, were also present
