Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Begging from the Beggars

I was still in my teens when a family elder suggested that I should visit the most famous Shrine/mausoleum of Lahore every week. The idea was to keep me in the loop of spirituality which saves a person from going astray.

I started visiting the place every Friday for praying. After couple of months I realized that every time during prayers at my visit ,I do not mention the one whose shrine I am standing at and I only give reference of Holy prophet(P.B.U.H) so during pray I decided that soon after giving Holy prophet’s reference ,I would give reference of the shrined. At the end of the prayer when I actually tried to do it than I realized that I have made an error of sequencing the references as after referring to the ultimate reference I can not give reference of the shrined so next week when I would come than I would give reference of Holy prophet(P.B.U.H) at the end but next week I realized that I was unable to quote a reference even before Holy prophet’s reference so I finished the prayers through only one reference which was of Holy prophet (P.B.U.H).

In the same time period I used to be almost a pathological liar so when I prayed to God for helping me quit than by mistake I gave reference of Abu baker Siddique (who was known for being truthful and whose generation I belong to) .Soon after referring to him I felt guilty for not referring to Sadiq and Amin (Holy Prophet’s tittles for being truthful and trust worthy).I asked for God’s forgiveness and from that point and age onwards I always refer to Holy prophet(P.BU.H)which is the ultimate reference, during my prayers. I also stopped visiting shrines and Mausoleums.

Different people have different opinions about use of references during prayers.

Being an ordinary person who has not conducted any research

1: Do you feel urge to use “any” references during prayers?

2: Do you agree with the idea that God would be more attentive to our prayers if we beg him in the name of people who were very pious and are not alive anymore.

3: Is use of references in prayers a reflection of our national trait i.e. using references to get the things done which we feel we can not do on our own and similarly we don’t believe that we are good enough to convince God to listen to our prayers so we refer to the people who are supposed to be better humans than us.

Please participate in the discussion by adding comments to the post.


  1. The only thing I know is that you need to ask from ALLAH (SWT), but at the same time you can use reference of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon hime) or any other piouse man, in your Duaa's.

    But, however, ALLAH(SWT) is going to fulfill your need/Duaa in both of the cases.

    (ALLAH knows the best)


  2. This is very critical isuue of the society. So while commenting one has to be very careful.

    Refrence can be made in Dua. When you give refernce you give of a high profile person and highest profile refernce is only of Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him).

    Asim Mahboob

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. While we are asking something (dua) from Creator, we cannot give reference (wasta) of any creature, whether he be the last prophet (PBUH). When asking from a master, how can a slave give wasta of another slave, whether how much near the other slave is from the master. It is disrespect of the master.
    2. It is sin to beg from Creator in the name of creatures, as it is disrespect of the Creator.
    3. We are such a corrupt society that, while burying a dead person, we write Kalma Tayyaba on the slab, which is to be placed right above his eyes. Thus we try to provide “booti” to the dead person.
    4. One can pray anywhere from God. The only preference is for mosques, in following order:
    Masjid-ul-Haraam, Masjid-e-Nabwi, Beit-ul-Maqdas (Temple of Solomon), mosque of your neighborhood.
    5. Graves are not the stations of praying.
    6. While praying, the sunnah of the prophets (PBUT) is giving wasta of the Sifaat of God e.g. His Benevolence, His Love, His Forgiveness etc., as these are the attributes of the Creator Himself.

  5. Thx Uzair! but i have heard that when Adam had to ask for forgiveness than even he refered to Muhammed (P.B.U.H and on the day of judgement all the Prophets would refer to Muhammed (P.B.U.H) as he is supposed to be God's beloved one.

  6. This is a very sensitive issue.No comments.You should merely avoid these issues.Although refrences can given in Dua's.But trust me-U should avoid.

  7. Inam, my view on sensitive issues is that they are not at all to be avoided. Sensitive issues are to be dealt with sensibly. If a society is truly live, sensible and knowledge loving, it cannot avoid sensitive issues. We must have opinions regarding sensitive issues and must have moral courage to express them and share them. Otherwise our society will continue to decline.
    The problem is that we do not self criticize ourselves. And we feel hurt if others criticize our belief system. It is very alarming. We must open our minds. We must welcome all logical and sensible criticism.
    But the condition is that the criticism should be sensible. It means it should be logical. Aggressive tone must be avoided. One should plainly express his point of view. We must respect the view, which we are criticizing; we have only to show difference of opinion. We must not criticize personalities, we should only criticize views. We must respect those who are revered by those whom views are we criticizing. WE MUST CRITICIZE BUT NOT CREATE ENMITY.

    “Act of Criticizing” is a major difference between human beings and animals. All the prophets (MPBUT) always criticized the most sensitive issues of their societies. Quran is full of criticism of the sensitive issues.

    Quran is devoid of the notion that Adam seek forgiveness seeking wasila of the last prophet (PBUH). A rawayat is quoted in this regard. Let me confirm about it, as it seems to be za’eef.

  8. Thanks Uzair! I feel the same way that we need to have a more tolerant society if we really want to grow collectively.

  9. Bhai Jan, Lets keep the horse before the cart not the cart before the horse.

    Allah (SWT) has made this world musab-bab-Ul-Asbab. which means that for something to happen you have to create a way for such happening meaning "Wasila".

    For instance, all wahi to prophet Muhammad (PBUH)was sent through hazrat Gibreal Alihe Salam. This act of Wahi could have been done directly also. Hence, the idea is to create a "Wasila" for something to happen.

    there are many examples of such sort. For example, in the time of Hazrat Musa (AS), a women wished to have kids and told her wish to Musa (AS). Musa (AS) went to Allah on Kohitor and asked spoke about the women's desire and recieved "negative" in reply. Hazrat Musa (AS) told the same thing to the women. After some time, Musa (AS) happen to pass that women and astonished to see that she had kids. He then again went to Allah (SWT)and asked that how come this women had kids when you said "No". Allah (SWT) said go and bring some human flesh. He went back to his people and asked foir human flesh. no one agreed to do so but a man when heard about this, took all the meat off his bones and gave it to him. musa (AS) took this meat and went to Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) said taht how can I refuse the prayer of a person who is ready to do all this for me!.

    So giving reference is ok and its worth keeping in mind any person who is near to God is always near to Allah's last prophet (PBUH). So when you give reference, you only add more weight to your dua.

    All the best

