Monday, May 3, 2010

Are “V” Losers by choice?

A colleague of mine gave an example to indicate the fact and the more I thought about it the more I realized that as a nation we are so good at creating issues and making a mess out of nothing that we loose our focus from more significant challenges. Such issues root from our inherent habits and no ruler can be blamed for them.

“V” are not organized :
Consider our graveyards for instance, by the exception of very few graveyards most of them do not have an index system so if you have to find a grave than you also have to find someone from the family of the departed to take you along. After prayers in the mosques (especially after Jumma and Eid prayers) we all rush to leave at once but we do not try to form a Queue or avoid walking on other people’s slippers. Same attitude is reflected when there is no one to control the traffic than we do not try to control our selves!

“V” are idle worshipers:
“V” love to create and maintain relationships with those who are having power (“V” leave them once their authority is over).”V” believe from the deepest core of our hearts that reference and bribery are the master keys to any problem so “V” are more than willing to compromise on our principals and moral values.

“V” are bad investors:
Major part of our earnings goes to worldly pursuits like spending on social occasions such as marriage and death ceremonies which consume a significant part of our savings and borrowed amounts but have absolutely no return.

“V” have impoverish thinking:

When “V” struggle than our focus is only on physiological ,Security or social needs rather than on self esteem or self actualization needs so “V” don’t try to utilize our potential and seek challenges.

Please participate by answering to the following.

1:Is not being organized the reason why we are not organized politically or is it due to the fact that unlike other nations our messiah leader has yet not appeared who would change everything after organizing and leading a revolution.

2: Do “V” practically believe in God’s existence?

3: “V” have to spend on social occasions like marriage and death anniversaries because every society has its own ways of socialization like in west there are bars and clubs and if don’t spend to celebrate or commemorate such occasions than it would further reduce social get-togethers which have come to a minimum due to terrorism and social atmosphere. Do u agree?

4: A society in which most of the members are struggling to make their ends meet. Can it produce such scientists, writers, producers who can make a difference?