Monday, May 3, 2010

Are “V” Losers by choice?

A colleague of mine gave an example to indicate the fact and the more I thought about it the more I realized that as a nation we are so good at creating issues and making a mess out of nothing that we loose our focus from more significant challenges. Such issues root from our inherent habits and no ruler can be blamed for them.

“V” are not organized :
Consider our graveyards for instance, by the exception of very few graveyards most of them do not have an index system so if you have to find a grave than you also have to find someone from the family of the departed to take you along. After prayers in the mosques (especially after Jumma and Eid prayers) we all rush to leave at once but we do not try to form a Queue or avoid walking on other people’s slippers. Same attitude is reflected when there is no one to control the traffic than we do not try to control our selves!

“V” are idle worshipers:
“V” love to create and maintain relationships with those who are having power (“V” leave them once their authority is over).”V” believe from the deepest core of our hearts that reference and bribery are the master keys to any problem so “V” are more than willing to compromise on our principals and moral values.

“V” are bad investors:
Major part of our earnings goes to worldly pursuits like spending on social occasions such as marriage and death ceremonies which consume a significant part of our savings and borrowed amounts but have absolutely no return.

“V” have impoverish thinking:

When “V” struggle than our focus is only on physiological ,Security or social needs rather than on self esteem or self actualization needs so “V” don’t try to utilize our potential and seek challenges.

Please participate by answering to the following.

1:Is not being organized the reason why we are not organized politically or is it due to the fact that unlike other nations our messiah leader has yet not appeared who would change everything after organizing and leading a revolution.

2: Do “V” practically believe in God’s existence?

3: “V” have to spend on social occasions like marriage and death anniversaries because every society has its own ways of socialization like in west there are bars and clubs and if don’t spend to celebrate or commemorate such occasions than it would further reduce social get-togethers which have come to a minimum due to terrorism and social atmosphere. Do u agree?

4: A society in which most of the members are struggling to make their ends meet. Can it produce such scientists, writers, producers who can make a difference?


  1. Well said, but do you realize that why is it all like this? the answer might be very basic and primitive. Supermacy of law does not exist.

    Additionally, this lawlessness and disorganization or scatterdness has its roots in self discontentment which is again ingrained in our poor and helpless economic condition.



    I dont understand that why you are so used to and acquainted with the word "Revolution". Most of the time, your solution predicts some kind of revolution. You may disagree with me but I feel that a self contented society is a result of meeting the subsistance needs of the society. In West, this part of subsistence is true but they dont have a moral code to stick with or may be not interested in doing so. But in Pakistan we have the moral code in terms of our religion which dictates peace from its very inception and gives human kind a complete code from cradle to grave. You might have noticed that the famous author of "Seven habits" and several other publications all aimed at raising moral character simply supplement teachings of Islam. What these authors are telling us, we knew it 1400 years ago but to our misfortune that we never acted upon and gave it adequate weightage to adhere to.

    Again, I would mention that I had once suggested that if the pay structure of Public / Government employees is raised to a market driven level, then we can expect a society with great moral values in shortest possible time. Think about it and try to delve into the consequences of such an act. Try visualizing and reaching at the roots of discontentment in the society. I personally feel and have observed at great many times that people at large from the core of their heart are not willing to do any wrong act, its the compelling and intolerable reasons which make them do wrong things and this is mostly economics.

    Answer to your 2nd question is yes. If I tell you that I was coming to Lahore and I had no transport then suddenly, I saw iron ore coming out of earth and turned into latest model luxury vehicle and I sat in it and reached Lahore. Would you agree with this, if not then obviously the whole universe just cannot come into existence on its own. There are 1001 reasons to belive in God and his teachings through his beloved messengers through out the history of mankind.

    Perceiving events and social gatherings in the context of terrorism and present society is partially true but from a wholistic perspective the answer is in negation.

    The answer is yes to the last question but truly speaking system needs alter itself to be as facilitative and does not miss such scholars etc in the midst of the social fabric.

  2. Thanks Faisal Bhai! for taking out time for this discussion.

    With reference to your comment, Personally I really don’t think that there is any revolution coming but I think that for many great countries subtle and sudden changes set the tone to be adopted by rest of the society Like in China or Iran where "someone" was charismatic enough to gather a group of followers who forced his lessons upon rest of the society.
    When I asked if we practically believe in God than i meant if our faith is reflected by our practices.

    A very important part of your comment was about improved pay structure and fulfillment of basic needs and it is something which I can not agree with due to number of reasons. First of all poverty does not allow violation of the discipline which the religion imposes(even though I have heard about few examples in which Caliphs were a bit lenient to impose punishments when people were facing drought).I am a firm believer that once greedy than always greedy. The people who started snatching when they were extremely needy do not stop snatching even when their basic needs are fulfilled because then they jump to next level of needs which roots from urge of greater socialization and status. I have read about China and India where there is great portion of population is not rich especially in India people are actually poor but they still work hard for Greater India.

    I would seek your permission for disagreement on the point that better pay structure would make our beurucracy honest because people who operate without integrity and self-respect are not likely to change through extra money.
    Please keep visiting.

    Inam Arif Qasmi

  3. Do your bit .Change will come. InshaAllah. Its small things that make all the difference

  4. You have all the right to agree or disagree with any proposition. Consider following facts:-

    All Multinationals emanate from Northern hemisphere. Most common thing among them is that their employees are well paid and satisfied. When they get enough from a legitimate source, the inclination to indulge in a wrongful act is minimized. For this rerason, there is no MNC originating from Pakistan. industry in Pakistan is mostly limited to family heritage and mindset towards the well being of employees/Labourers is minimal and percieved as a cost rather than an investment and results are evident. Compare two employees one from a MNC and one from a local company or government sector. Most of the time you will find that local company and government employees are prone towards misdoings.

    Additionally, the saying once greedy is always greedy has no roots. Edxtending this generality means once non muslim would never be a muslim. Once bad would always be bad.He can never be a good person. I strongly disagree with your generality.

    All the best

