Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lessons for the teachers!!!

Since the time I started going to school as a student till the time I started going as a teacher, Never for once I doubted about the fact that teacher is final authority in a class room in fact is “The Authority” in a class room. Authority with reference to everything happening in the class and if possible in the minds of the students. Since last two years I have become doubtful if “V” the teachers are carrying our traditional character and are actually doing nothing but surviving rather than seeking joy from the work which "V" do!

“V” the teachers Struggle

To keep the spirit of nationalism alive during teaching when most of the students look determined to leave for abroad and practically work and save for development of other countries.

To keep the individual integrity alive in a society where school teachers are considered to be lower level professionals.

To maintain average standard of living when inflation is making the PAK Rs. more and more worthless.Few days back I came to know about an teacher who is trying to get himself a Visa and a work permit to be a Labour in Italy. Upon query he replied that he is ready to do work as a labour as long as he is earning in Euros which currently have a conversion rate of about Rs 114 per Euro. Apparently the skill of a janitor seems to be of more worth than the education which we get and the honest living which we make.

I guess “V” the teachers have few lessons to learn ourselves.

Education doesn’t guaranty economic prosperity and teachers who are not earning enough need to consider additional sources of income by allocating time and effort in additional activities rather than just waiting for extra coaching opportunities which seem to be fewer than the candidates.

Effective financial planning becomes more important with limited resources so divert resources from nonproductive activities like spending on weddings or consumption items to Asset accumulation like Gold Jewelry or buying real estate through installments.

Take pride in what you are doing !Keep learning! Plan! focus and remember there is always room for the best at the top!!!