Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why do we laugh at sick humor?

About a week ago I brought a movie called “Bruno”. It was a sequel so I knew the kind of movie I was bringing home (even though later on I discovered that I had underestimated everything about it).After watching the movie I broke the CD and tore the cover as i did not want to be caught with it and apparently everything went alright (in terms of getting rid of the remains!) but than I had to face something rather unexpected.

Domestic: $60,054,530 43.7%
+ Foreign: $77,329,526 56.3%

= Worldwide: $137,384,056 100%

Domestic: $128,505,958 49.1%
+ Foreign: $133,066,786 50.9%

= Worldwide: $261,572,744 100%

(Source:Box Office Mojo)

I started analyzing my own behavior during this whole incident. I did not select the movie by chance as I had seen the first part of it called “Borat”. Movies like Borat and Bruno are two of the many which I have seen and without exception have always enjoyed .Usually such humor is based upon


Odd relationships (either gender based or illegal/immoral relationships)

Exposure of what nature demands to be hidden

Anything which societies prohibit or restrict

I have always enjoyed watching such humor even when I do not appreciate same themes in serious Dramas. Considering commercial success of T.V shows like South Park, Family Guy, Gerry Springer show or Movies like the ones mentioned above, mass appeal for such themes is obvious but the question is why explicit themes are publicly accepted when presented through humor?

There can be number of explanations for this behavior

1: We (as a society) are tempted by such themes but do not admit and when these are presented in humor than we can justify our association by saying “Oh it’s nothing serious!”

2:We (as a society) actually do not consider such themes seriously and that is why we find them really funny as these are the things which we could never imagine

3:We desire to seek pleasure while being disobedient and rebellious from the rules taught to us by the elders and the society so we enjoy watching what we can not do ourselves as most of us for most of the time lack energy to be disobedient and being rebellious.

4:For us everything (directly or indirectly) has to be justified or approved by religion so when we watch foreign shows and movies than we justify by saying “Oh its not about us we are just watching THE OTHERS!”

What is your opinion about mass appeal for Humor based upon explicit themes?
Please share by adding comments to the post and do mention your name with it.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Next six months?(Before june2010 ?)

These days everyone is talking about possible “Major Political Change’ in Pakistan. Analysts are talking about shift of power from presidency to parliament; Shuffling in cabinet due to NRO cases reopening after 28th November. Almost all the political analysts are betting for exit of Asif Ali Zardar by the exception of Nazir Naji and Najam Sethi (who disagree either out of hope! or due to having an insight?).I know it’s always easy to bet against survival of a coalition government but in present situation I think NRO revocation, kickback reports in foreign media for military deals, Anti government vibes coming from local media even though all might be true but have been timed for something bigger and is related to Geo Political and Nuclear significance of Pakistan.

Kickbacks in military deals, corruption in third world countries were never considered unusual but than so was the American involvement in different regions. Apparently Uncle SAM learned it from the failure of Germans and Russians expansion plans that instead of directly ruling the country, rule through its own Military and politicians by keeping them at American payroll.

A very alarming report has come through Dr.Shahid Masood (Meray mutabiq fame).In a recent episode he quoted famous journalist “Seymour Hersh” about presence of American Nuclear security agency on Pakistani soils in spite of so many confirmations through USA foreign office positive statements about Pakistan’s Nuclear Command and Control system’s effectiveness. Considering repute of the journalist (please check a note on him at the end of the blog) let’s assume that American security agency members are actually here but what for? What has changed which made the Americans get closer to Kahoota? Could it be without Military consent? Answer to these and so many other questions are likely to come in the near future and I reckon that it will all be clear before June 2010.Whatever the Americans are up to, either its about Pakistani Denuclearization or restricting Chinese trade through Gwader or both but execution of any anti Pakistani plan cant take place without controlling Army and Political setup. My personal opinion is that under an elected government regime with a balance of power it is not possible so either Americans would keep corrupt political entities in power and try to gain control through them (Rehman Malik’s effort to control ISI by interior ministry) or by supporting such Military elements which don’t retaliate against American interests (Likes of Musharaf).

Under present circumstances it doest seem to be happening through scattered political power and an autonomous Judiciary so the next best alternative is a Caretaker government(based upon technocrats or second line politicians)which would come under the notion “to cover for Political vacuum as a result of corrupt politicians exit(either due to resignation or Assassination). It would last for a period of 2-3 years (enough time to execute American plans i.e. establishing permanent bases in more sensitive and strategic areas and having a share in trade through Gwader)and then leave but I am afraid than there would not be much left to struggle for or to rebuilt.

Please share your opinion about what do you see happening in the next six months. Remember that his blog is a discussion plat form through which we can exchange ideas and opinions. Please extend this address to your mailing and text lists in order to expand the community.

A note on Seymour Hersh: Seymour "Sy" Hersh made his name and career by reporting in 1969 on the U.S. court martial of Lt. William Calley, the commanding officer in what became known as the My Lai Massacre, an incident in South Vietnam where U.S. soldiers tortured and killed nearly 500 civilians. Hersh won the Pulitzer Prize for the story and became one of the most famous journalists in the country. During the 1970s he reported for The New York Times, creating more controversy with reports on the covert operations of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Consistently controversial, Hersh has written books that tell of Henry Kissinger's secret bombing of Cambodia, John Kennedy's wild and reckless White House, Israel's behind-the-scenes attempts to get nuclear weapons and General Barry McCaffrey's behavior during the Gulf War. Held in high esteem by many, he is also considered by some to be an unreliable rogue. In 2001 he came under fire by the Pentagon (again) for reporting on military actions in Afghanistan; in 2004 he reported in The New Yorker that Iraqi prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib jail in Baghdad, which focused initially on low-ranking U.S. soldiers (including Lynndie England), could be traced to orders by Donald Rumsfeld -- orders President George W. Bush had been informed of ahead of time. The White House denied the allegations, and Hersh was himself once more the subject of headlines. In August of 2004 he published the book Chain of Command: The Road From 9/11 to Abu Ghraib, based on his magazine reports.