Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My thoughts after listening to the Blasts!

I was at youtube to download few more songs by Greenday just when I heard it, I stopped for an instance realizing what had happened and denying it to myself like we usually do initially when we come across a big problem or an accident but few minutes later I heard it again and this time sound of explosion felt a bit too real. My mother went out of the house just to take a look around .Servants were excitedly stating what everyone could guess. Shopkeepers near my house closed their shops and rushed as their houses were closer to the area where the sound had come from. Within five minutes I got a call from Islamabad. My sister told me that T.V is running a slide about sound of explosion near Moon market (five minutes away from my house).She was concerned about my safety. In the next two hours I received several calls from family members, Relatives and students. They all had called to show their concern about my safety as I live very close to the area where two Bomb blasts had occurred.

At night before going to sleep I realized that throughout this time when I was getting these calls, I kept myself occupied with the Net. I felt nothing about this incident not even when I realized that I was planning to buy a fruit cake of Shezan bakery from there in the evening when I was leaving for Academy. This indifference apparently had nothing to do with bravery or courage but this indifference was there because Blasts are something that this whole nation is getting used to. If it is happening in Peshawer than why wouldn’t it eventually come around .In this particular case I could sit back and relax because I was watching the Rescue teams providing medical and fire extinguishing services but I manage to sit back and relax even when I suspect that these blasts are not the end but a beginning !

Most of us never feel like coming out of the comfort of our houses in times when we need to show political awareness and awakening at the streets. We feel that it’s not worth it, Raising the Voice is of no use, this country can be saved by a bloody revolution only! Some of us might think that the way things are going, eventually Nation would wakeup? How would this nation wake up when we are just waiting for things to happen on their own? I hope that I am not exaggerating but half the nation is waiting for a leader who would eventually make everything alright and till than we will continue to be dishonest as much as the snatched or gained authority allows. ? For how long we will keep on telling it to ourselves that it would all be over once the Military operation is over? For how long we will continue to scold others without realizing that we are no different! For how long we would continue to offend God. How would this Economic, Socio political mismanagement will not display its outcome? Why would the results be any different when efforts are the same!