Thursday, December 24, 2009

Would Pakistan be the next Karbala?

Paranoia is called the person who is mentally ill and is obsessed by some unknown fear/hallucination in a way that this state of mind restricts him from performing functions of a normal person. As this definition simply declares a person insane so I carefully evaluated if We the Pakistanis are suffering from this disease or are the threats real? My conclusion is that we are actually insane but not because of feeling threatened by some fear or unreal threat but because we are not doing anything even when we can sense the threats are bigger than what this country has ever come across.

According to new USA plan AfPak, American troops will be increased to about 100,000 men and I suspect that this high number of US marines is not for Afghanistan (where US is suspected to establish few permanent bases) but actually to

1: Denuclearize Pakistan(under the notion of "Failed State"which can sell Nuclear Arsenal to rogue elements for overcoming economic problems)

2: Join NWFP with Afghanistan(Tribals of both sides would live together under the rule of War Lords who would be kept USA friendly by providing Food and other necessities along with freedom for Narcotics trade.This would allow American bases at strategic areas in Afghanistan especially at our western borders.

3: Establish independent Baluchistan while keeping Military and trading bases (trade will be shared with China in order to avoid clash with the giant)

4: Handover Punjab to India as it will not survive once India blocks the rivers which root from India (Rivers which come from Sind are propagated to be having water which can suffice needs of Sind only)

5: The new Pakistan would consist of Some parts of Punjab and some parts of Sind(Karachi might be leased out to pro American Gulf based investors)

For this purpose “great game” has already started!

At least 889 persons were killed and 2,072 others injured in 61 suicide attacks in Pakistan so far this year, as the total number of suicide bombings in the country since 2002 rose to 140.The suicide bombings in 2008 surpassed the last year's figures of 56, including the one in which former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, whose first death anniversary would be observed on December 27, was killed in Rawalpindi. (Source

In April, The News, a newspaper in Lahore, Pakistan, published figures provided by Pakistani officials indicating that 687 civilians have been killed along with 14 AL Qaeda leaders in some 60 drone strikes since January 2008 - just over 50 civilians killed for every AL Qaeda leader.

Impact of Terrorism has been multiplied through alarming economic indicators.It does not take an Einstein to figure out Economic condition of a country which is unable to provide energy to the manufacturing sector since the last two years(Electricity Load shedding reaches to about 14-16 hours a day in Summers and in Winters about 6-8 hours)

As a nation we are condemning Taliban but I recon that once execution of American plan becomes obvious than It will be the religious group which will become the last shield of our defense line and it would also lead that portion of our solders who would refuse to surrender while pay role driven leadership would. For some odd reason I feel that beginning of the end would be in 2012!.

The situation would be very similar to what happened in Karbala!

Few would be against many

Access to water would be denied in order to dictate terms and conditions

Right would be against the Might

Death would be obvious still some would embrace it in principal!