Friday, June 12, 2015


With the passage of time I have realized that Islam for us the Muslims has two functional areas or sections :

A: Worshiping
B: Conduct

Generally 'V' the Muslims are more concerned about those activities which connect a person directly with God like offering prayers or reciting the holy Quran but 'V' tend to show lesser concern about those acts which connect a Muslim with other Muslims,Non Muslims and other living creatures like animals etc.

At this age when I am almost 38,I have started feeling that "IF" not more than at least equal(to have a connect with God) in importance is our conduct with other people and living beings. In fact 'V'can never really feel God's presence without feeling love for its creations.
However once God's presence is felt then sooner or later Faith upon him is tested.

When you start believing that:

Giving money to poor people or financially helping them actually increases your own wealth than suddenly you start experiencing financial setbacks or losses.

God has picked the right person for you as a life partner ,you start feeling tempted for other options.

Daughters blessed to you are as lovely as a son could have been and you get another daughter.

You have developed enough patience for your very old parents but they become even more childlike.

Offering prayers is a compulsion but you start getting busier.

During these and similar tests of Faith 'V'need to remember these words by Stephan king "If the Devil is real than God must be real too (If living is hell than Heaven after living must be real too!

God could guide us through a Book (Quran)only but he also used a person(Sunnah) to show that how living in tougher circumstances and protecting Faith can become a source for progression towards purity and God.