Sunday, January 16, 2011

No one killed Narendra Modi!!!

Only those who keep walking get sweet returns...
look at the sun's perseverance - dynamic & always on the move, never dormant...
hence keep moving.

This is the title quote at the home page of an Indian who is considered to be one of the primary suspects in 2002 Gujarat violence/Riots and Godhra Train Burning(India) in which about 2,000 people lost their lives and thousands got injured(Supposedly mostly Muslims who also lost their businesses and role in economic activity).His involvement in the incident was so obvious that even the Americans (who are considered pro-India due to their vested economic interest ) revoked his visa( He was cited for responsibility for violations of religious freedom under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998). As an aftermath of the riots, there were calls for Modi to resign from his position as chief minister of Gujarat. The opposition parties stalled the national parliament over the issue. Even Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and Telugu Desam Party (TDP), allies of the BJP, asked for Modi's resignation. Modi submitted his resignation to the Governor and recommended the dissolution of the 10th Gujarat Legislative Assembly. In the following state re-elections the BJP, led by Modi, won 127 seats in the 182-member assembly.He is theChief Minister of the Indian state of Gujarat since 7 October 2001, making him the longest serving Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat.

Being a Pakistani I used to believe that Indians keep on electing him because they all hate Muslims so elect the symbol of this hatred but I am afraid that I was wrong and following are the reasons why!!!

1: 2001 Gujarat Earthquake: For Narendra Modi's outstanding contribution for disaster management and rehabilitation, on 16-10-2003 Gujarat govt got UN Sasakawa Certificate of Merit for outstanding work in the field of disaster management and risk reduction.

2: He re-organised the government's administrative structure and embarked upon a massive cost-cutting exercise.As a result of his elaborate efforts, Gujarat registered a GDP growth rate of over 10% during his first tenure. This was the highest growth rate among all the Indian states.

3: Gujarat has only 5% of India’s population and 6% of its geographical area, but its contribution to India in terms of ‘Value of Output’ is 16.10%; in terms of exports it is 16% and in terms of stock market capitalization it is 30%.With over 3 lac small scale units, over 2200 large and medium industries, 83 closely integrated industrial clusters, 182 industrial estates and 33 Special Economic Zones with flexible labour laws and an easy exit policy – Gujarat is one of the most industrialized states of India. Gujarat has a 16.2% share in India’s industrial production whereas the percentage of man-days lost in Gujarat due to labour strife is just 0.52% - the lowest in the country.

4: What is more important is that the growth is coupled with financial discipline. Soon after he became the Chief Minister, Modi focused on curtailing government expenditure and emphasized on the recovery of government dues. The sales tax income which was Rs.5,890 crores when he took over increased to Rs.10,606 crores within 4 years, more importantly without imposing any new taxes. Since the last 3 years, development expenditure is more than the non-development expenditure in Gujarat, which is an unusual phenomenon.

This post has not been uploaded in praise of Narendra Modi and to portray him as a Good person but to create awareness amongst all those people who are arguing about roles of Salman Taseer and Mumtaz Qadri.”V” need to realize that when a ruler brings welfareto his people than no one can kill him .I am not referring to death in terms of soul leaving body but soul surviving in the minds of the people and in the Systems/Institutions developed!

Narendra Modi started his career from Rashtriya savik singh(Indian militant extremist group) and later on established himself politically through Bharatiya Janata Party BJP which is also known for its extremist views but he is acceptable for the society due to his administrative ability whereas our extremist leaders our known for creating social mess only!!!

A few of the awards bagged for different developmental initiatives/achievements in Gujarat during the tenure of Modi are:
• UN Sasakawa Award for outstanding reconstruction work in disaster risk reduction
• World Bank Green Awards for excellence in environment consciousness during post earthquake rehabilitation
• CAPAM Gold Award from Commonwealth Associations for innovations in governance
• Dubai International Award to Surat Municipal Corporation for Best Practices in SWM and Urban Governance
• India Tech Excellence Award 2005 for the most progressive and dynamic state in power sector reforms
• UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Award for reconstruction of a Gurudwara damaged during the earthquake
• Computer Society of India and Nihilant Technology Citizen Facilitation Award for the Best e-Governed State
• Computer Society of India and Nihilant Technology Best Service Orientation Award to Ahmedabad Collectorate’s Citizen Charter
• ELITEX 2007 - Best E-governed State Award from Government of India in January 2007

Sources:Related web links


  1. Discussions of this kind perhaps cannot be universally applied to other situations which may appear resemblance or a trace of resemblance.

    The fact that Hindus are against Muslims and show their hatred practically is an established fact namely the "Do Qomi nazarya" as portrayed by many sub continent leaders esp. Quaid e Azam.

    The acts of hatred resulting in deaths and other fatal losses especially to Muslims in India, Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia etc are well evident, obvious and undisputed.

    But the idea you have portrayed appears confusing and ambigous. For instances, Israel has economically progressed well under its PM Sharon who is allegedly involved in bombing Palestinian Muslims. What do you think that his act should be fabricated under his economic policies/progress????

    All the best


  2. Thx Faisal Bhai!

    Here i am not justifying intolerance but indicating that u get away with it if u have the ability to deliver something in addition to the hatred. This is the reason why "V" are called extremists and Indians are not in spite of having people like Modi at such influencing positions.

    Keep visiting,
    Inam Arif Qasmi
