Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pakistan beyond Pakistan!

So what is next for Pakistan?

Army failed when hostages were taken at G.H.Q

Air Force failed when Americans came and left through air without being intercepted for Osama Operation

Navy failed when planes were destroyed at navel airbase

Hope from legislature is fading and “V” never looked up to the Executive/Parliament for rescue.

People failed when religion and personal opinions got mixed up and value systems got shattered

All of this could be avoided had “V” not assumed that Army, Judiciary,Madrisas or other institutions are above criticism and audits. They are free to interfere in electoral process for keeping REAL public representatives away from Parliament.

When “V” criticize Army than its not the operational staff from an ordinary soldier(Sipahi)to a colonel but Ranks of brigadier and above which apparently are not focused on their responsibilities. Army’s involvement in Politics has surely affected its professional competency as Pakistan’s history of Wars in Dhaka and Kargil suggests.

It is now becoming a commonly known fact that Nukes and Gwader port are the reasons due to which America, Israel, Iran and India are becoming involved in Pakistan. Supposedly these countries have planned and funded to create unrest in Pakistan and as a result “V” as a nation are just not settling down economically, Socially and politically.

In spite of disappointment “V” must backup our forces so that they feel stronger while replying to the might of USA and Europe. Now a days “War of Bader” (Gazwa Bader in which 313 Muslims defeated mighty enemy with God’s help)seems to be an out of fashion and logic reference but I feel that it is just the right reference while considering to stand up against America.

Like everyone on the media ,”V” are doing nothing but discussing the magnitude of failure for the state but “V” must realize that 180 million can not migrate, If “V” actually accept American offer/threat and give up our weapons of mass destruction than “practically “V” would be redoing what general Niazi did in 1971.

Hey People! “Pakistan is our country and our recognition even if “V” migrate from the country. Our children born in America and Europe would be Britain based Pakis OR British Pakis or Paki origin Americans so lets not give up what ”V” have(our identity!)! Either “V” like it or not but “V” need to be different from our Rulers.”V” need to own the country and everything about it (either good or bad).If something needs to be changed than practically "V" should do something or just shut up!

Lets believe that there our good times ahead and yes “V” have accepted that “V” will be tested (apparently within the next 12 months). Lets be ready that survival of a nation roots from the sacrifices which come by free will, May it be in the form of loosing Life, Loss of valuables or unacknowledged acts of heroism.

My country men! Lets decide that human life is not more precious than the country(unless a life is needed for the country)and lets accept that if the Americans are coming than they loose more than “V” do! ”V" are a nation of 180 million believers and it would take more than weapons to defeat us!


  1. I do not contest your right to speak freely. But what do I have reservations against is that you state mere observations/theories ("It is now becoming a commonly known fact that Nukes and Gwader port are the reasons due to which America, Israel, Iran and India are becoming involved in Pakistan.") as facts. If they are facts, then please state your sources of information. Otherwise, what you're saying/doing is exactly typical of the majority of Paksitan's population - spreading conspiracy theories under the guise of facts.
    Furthermore, you draw comparisons with Ghazwa-e-Badr only on a superficial level. You fail to link any events/conditions/circumstances of that war with the conditions on the ground today.
    I urge you - please do not present your opinion as fact. Otherwise, I think censorship just might be fair.

  2. Nobody saw Zardari and Gillani finger prints in national level corruption but its not hard to guess through state of the economy that there are leakages similarly international power politics and manipulation is judged through sequence of events which are sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly reported or just witnessed in one's own country.In case of Pakistan, frequency of visits and level of interaction by foreign diplomats/ambassadors with government and military officials indicates a lot.Few facts have been mentioned in wiki leaks which no body has denied.As far as similarity between Badar war and our present time is concerned than it is on the basis of Might against believers.

    See you in the next post/effort!

  3. i think you are a little bit wrong about the army. Not wrong when you said that they have become interested in politics, but wrong when you make it seem like its their fault. Our current government has failed on all levels to establish an efficient administration, and cannot agree on even the simplest of matters. They neglect the requiremnts of the nation, and are interested only in boosting their own earnings. In situations like this, when the government is suffering from a vacancy of efficient management, army would ofcourse get involved to try to make things better.

    The PNS Mehran attack responsibility does not go primarily to the army. There is no parliament backing it. We all remember the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, and we also remember that pakistan was being blamed by the media, commandos, and the local people, even during the attack. But our parliament and media is ever too reluctant to coin in the name of foreign powers such as India, USA and Israel. Why? Because this government is the most corrupt one in Pakistan history. The attack on a naval base has been classified as a lapse in law and order, but i say no, this is declaration of war. This is a very well devised plan to destroy Pakistan completely, mainly to gain control of Gawadar port, which is most probably intended to be used by USA for shipping of oil, not to Afghanistan, but from CAS republics.
    We have to open our eyes. We have to force the judiciary in any way possible to declare this government incompetent. what we need right now is a stable regime under a firm army commander. Democracy has failed completely. The media has an important role to play in this 'movement'.

    If we want to save our country, we must raise our voice and fight for our rights, and remove this immensely corrupt government any way possible.

    Good day Mr. Inam.

    Posted by: Muhammad Alam

  4. Bhutto was initially a Martial Law administrator (who when gained popularity was hanged by Army)

    Nawaz Sharif was initially part of Zia ul Haq’s Cabinet (who when tried to be free of Army influence was removed by Army not only once but twice)

    General Kiyani negotiated with Benazir during Musharaf regime after which eventually Asif Zardari took over

    So if the Politicians are corrupt than why did the army bring them?

  5. Mr. Inam..
    You are quite wrong. Unfortunately, pakistan's politics are not as simple as that. Bhutto was hanged for many reasons, not just his popularity.
    I agree on the Zia-ul-Haq part, but i refuse to believe that Nwaz Sharif wanted to break free for anything but his desire to bring a democratic government so that he can get hold of a stronger position in govt.

    As to Kiyani negotiating with Benazir, this part is largely irrelevant. The assassination of Benazir was not merely a national conspiracy, i assure you of rhat, though i have no evidence.

    The army brings politicians to power because it needs them. Its as simple as that. It needs a diplomatic wing which can be followed. The army's job is not to negotiate with other countries, its the job of the parliament, the policy makers. Thats what i said in my comment. We need an efficient government who can support the army.

  6. I just thought i would inform you & your readers how many parallells there are to Pakistan & America. These two countries really arent any different than any other places in the world, where people are controlled & divided. Where there is rampant hatred, violence, & civil unrest. What may be different is to the extent those forces dominate in certain locations.
    It seems now that countries are not just run by their respective governments, their diplomats, or militaries... We are becomming aware of forces that exist, beyond what we ever thought possible, yeilding power & control (secretly & behild the scenes) over the world, as they have for over a thousand years. They are not a certain religious organization, although their people have infiltrated most religions & cultures at the top. The place where deciscions are made. Over a thousand years, what were soley their ideas & philosophies over time, became woven into the ones of the native lands, until it all became just about indistinguishable.

    How you control a global population is by using a handful of global corporations, separate entities for most of us, but all one in the same at the very top. Their controlling us by keeping us divided. Breeding hatred among us, so we fight against anyone who is even the slightest bit different from us.

    Instead of humanity uniting, rising above, & fully realizing our true potential, they must keep the more animalistic side dominant in humanity & turn us all into violent barbarians who are all only just out for themselves. How sad.... I could go on & on...

    In every part of the world, each area must rise above our programming. See the manipulation deceit that have been used. Lift up this veil that we've had over our eyes for so long. Remember our inter-connectedness as humans that we all have. Compromise. Work together.
    Practice non-violence. Show kindness & compassion to ALL humans. Together, we must use our collective consciousness (the spirtual aspect of each of us, what links us together,to God, & to all that God has created) to overcome this hidden enslavement. Let's take back our freedom & our individual liberties! Take back our control & see the beauty of the full, true potential we all are capable of because we are human! Time to evolve!
