Friday, November 18, 2011

R “V” suffering (or enjoying) Split personality disorder!!!???

In the last few years I watched couple of movies which were about people suffering from Split personality disorder. List of such movies include A BEAUTIFUL MIND, SHUTTER ISLAND ,BLACK SWAN . Characters suffering from this disease become a different person in a given situation (or in response to a stimulus) and once they come out of the situation than they become usual themselves(the way most of the people know them).Interesting part of this disease is that such people don’t remember anything about what they did while being the “Person in the situation” so practically if they commit a crime or hurt themselves then they would feel innocent after being caught for the crime or would feel hurt without realizing that they have actually hurt themselves.

Couple of days ago I made a similar realization about myself .I was feeling hurt being a PAKISTANI due to the crimes which are committed against my country and nation and then suddenly I realized that I am no different from Asif Ali Zardari or from anyone from the Gang. My own crimes are limited because my power to commit a crime is limited .Same is the case with everyone around me .

From a motor mechanic to a Government officer, From a Doctor to a teacher

Most of us

Compromise on our work ethics

Want to dominate others

Want to be treated differently from the masses

Want to be above the Law

How much crimes “V” commit under such situations depends upon stimulus of Authority and Power, Stronger the stimulus and bigger would be the crime. Due to our “National Personality Disorder” “V” don’t remember the crimes which “V” commit individually while being in the situation and “V” don’t remember that “V” have hurt ourselves(being Pakistani).After committing a crime or hurting ourselves “V” search for the criminal and the savior around us without realizing that both are within us(part of our being).


  1. It is a fact that we criticize others and think we are beyond all criticism.
    The major cause of our problems is that when our society tried to transform from traditionalism to modernism, it lost traditional characters and completely failed to be a modern society. We are neither traditional nor modern.
    The main cause of every failure is our INNER VULGARITY. Great ideas are reduced to crude, raw and cheap concepts in our minds. The history of West is the history of Great ideas and practical actualization of these great ideas. David Hume was a great thinker and philosopher of 18th century. He claimed that his writings will create a civilization, whose God and Prophet is he himself. His thoughts and ideas were so powerful that they completely revolutionized the West. His claim proved to be correct. He is the creator of modern Western civilization.
    The present age is called AGE OF THEORY. But our inner vulgarity and over involvement in the day to day problems have snatched our normal human faculty of THEORIZATION. Deterioration and decadence is the fate of such society. We must learn from West. We must get rid of our inferior minds and low intelligence. We must come into contact with great minds and great thoughts. Nothing could change us except this course.

  2. i completely agree...
    the biggest problem confronting the pakistani society is that we criticize others but do not bother looking at our own selves.
    we have different criteria for ourselves and others.what we hold wrong for others is justified for ourselves.
    there is conflict in what we do and say.
    for pakistan to progress,first of all we-the people-have to change ourselves,and that change has to come from within us.the whole society as a whole needs to change and that can only happen if every individual tries to bring a change in himself!

  3. We are not actually suffering from this disorder...I've studied its causes and roots in detail in A level...its a completley different story..The thing is all of us, every human being, have different sides to our personality, different aspects but what we trully are is what only we know.Though your argument is perfectly credited and many psychologists have given thought to it.
    Whats happening in our country is another matter...which has mainly resulted from self centeredness of our nation.

  4. yes, you are completely right. another thing worth mentioning is that many of us think that we have a right to commit a crime, just because we have been wronged earlier in life sometime. we must remember that every huge change starts from a single step, and should not wait for others to take the step.

  5. I have analysed myself and by my own self inspection i conclude that i don't Compromise on our work ethics, don't Want to dominate others
    ,don't Want to be treated differently from the masses and never ever want to be above the Law. those who do need to think again.
    Everyone has got a right to cultivate his brain in the way he wants.Remembering the ethics, principles of morality and whatever good you are taught in your life will never lead you go astray, no matter what authority you get. Self criticism is essential in every life matters in my view.
    Rvel Zahid.

  6. I think that the basic issue lies with our own selves. We have moved away from the teachings of our religion and even our educated class have lost the spirit of Islam. For instance, if we start being honest to ourselves and to others and to our professions, their would be a radical change in the society. Similalrly, the vicious economic circle keeps us moving to make the ends meet and leaves no time to think that what are we actually doing. Is is correct or otherwise.

    the idea of split personality disorder occurs only when other factors have minor role. in our society the other factors have a mjor role so the likelihood of split personality disorder/syndrom appears least relevant.

    All the best


  7. I dont hink its MPD. more like hypocrisy or "easier said then done." I agree with the point you've made, though
