Thursday, August 26, 2010

Do we need simpler solutions???

Different people at different occasions have mentioned that in NWFP AND AFGHANISTAN there is no concept of snatching, burglary or theft.

Let’s consider few possible explanations:

1: People living in such areas follow traditional system of Jirga, a Council of local elders and respected people for dispute resolution. Decision making by Jirga is swift and is based upon judgment by majority. These people are from the area so they are in a better position to analyze the crime scene and the accused. There is no need to hire Lawyers with high fee so justice is in reach to the poor.

2: There is no concept of license for keeping weapons due to which anyone would be cautious while entering into someone’s house as almost everybody keeps a weapon and knows how to use it without dependence on any law enforcing authority.

3:People living in Afghanistan and Khyber Pakhtounkhuah(formally NWFP) don’t have to spend much on construction(Local terrain does not allow much to build up),There is not much established garments industry so self stitched cloths don’t leave much margin for comparison and status display.

4: There is little concept of Job and most of the people make their living through trade and its related activities due to which unemployment is low.

Whereas in Pakistan everything is opposite
Even though the above mentioned life style has survived in hilly areas and thinly populated territories but at least we should reconsider requirement of license for keeping firearms. I personally feel that anyone having an I.D card should be allowed to keep a weapon If not than at least issuance of license should be resumed and made simple.

Note: Apparently police in Gujranwala and Sialkot has adopted the same philosophy and is encouraging people not to rely on Police support.


  1. We need to a fresh start from the top to bottom only that way we can change for the better and stop relying so much on others

  2. Sir what I believe in is that if we are going to implement a system we must implement it completely and in its truest sense in letter and spirit. When a system promises change and benefits to the society you cannot expect it to result into a change it promised when you do not implement it completely. We can take the example of democracy. In Pakistan the democratic establishment is in shambles because our democracy has been tempered with by various dictators and politicians for their benefits. In Pakistan only if democracy is implemented wholly and solely then can only it bring a change. Therefore, any system new or old can work if it is implemented with sincerity.

  3. · The problem with Jirgas that it always consists of illiterate and ignorant people who want to stick with their un-Islamic or rather anti-Islamic and inhuman traditions. They always intend to do decisions like the one done by Mukhtaran-Mai-Jirga. These Jirgas are remnants of history and must not survive in this age of civilization.
    · If defense of oneself is the responsibility of his own, then what is the necessity of state and society? Though this could be a reason of low rate of such crimes in KPK and Afghanistan, but we must civilize our societies.

    In my opinion people in KPK and Afghanistan are backward and are not well exposed to Western-Capitalists-Industrialist life style. Monitory frustration is intrinsic to this lifestyle of society.


  4. i dont think that anyone with an ID should be allowed to keep a weapon, esp in pakistan where hunger and poverty can easily force someone to turn to weapons as the easy way out, as this can happen to formerly innocent and simple men... they have wives and mothers and PLENTY of kids to take care of... the helplessness may force them to do whats wrong...

    and lets not forget, khyber pakhtunkhwa and afghanistan are full of terrorists. it may be because of little law and order. (even though the sit. is getting similar here too). One of the main reasons of the spread of terrorism here in Pak was little law and order on the afghan-pak border. what we i always say... are great leaders.. and we are no where near getting those. if i could influence the police dept., i would either put it under the army or finish it all completely or maybe lessen its range and reach.

  5. sami said
    respected inam,
    u realy described the facts about the law and order in NWFP and Afghanistan,i think prevention of crimes should be only because of the implementation of law and order,it should'nt because of that the people can prevent the crimes by themself, it is again an crime since majority of people cant distinguish b/w right and wrong.The only thing which is much better for such situations is the strict implementation right laws.
