Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How/When does mass killing become easy???

Like most of us I also used to argue that whatever the suicidal bombers are being taught by their masters,killing of civilians can never be justified but over a period of time I have learned that in some cases a person is not likely to feel anything for the innocent.

Let’s consider the situations when killing the innocent does not test our conscious

1: Couple of days back when I went back home after a long hard day than I realized that a life partner is such a blessing of God whom you share all the pleasures and sorrows with. A life partner makes you feel loved and you also feel joy in returning the love through your acts of kindness and forgiveness of mistakes. Now if someone suddenly takes away your life partner whom you love or any of your parents who are a source of your faith and peace or may be your children who are the reason you never get tired of working hard at your office than how would you react to acts of that person?

Ans: You would kill the person who killed your family

Many say that suicide bombers come from the areas which are attacked by Drone and apparently the people who are blowing themselves away through suicide bombing are the ones who don’t feel for families of others the way nobody felt for their families which were lost in Drone attacks. When such people come for target study in urban areas than they see economic prosperity and Indifference by bulk of the population towards that part of the country which is attacked by Americans but no body comes for their rescue! So they feel urgency to blow everyone along!

2: Last Ramadan me and two of my friends tried to book an Aftari at Freddy's Cafe and rate of Buffet Aftari was about Rs 1,400 per person. I calculated that an average Pakistani household consumes about 2-3 Kg of flour per day for three meals for a family of about 6 persons. If per Kg flour costs Rs 30 than about Rs 2700 are needed to buy flour for the whole family so practically two people eating at Freddy's Cafe or three people at any other restaurant on M.M Alam road Lahore actually spend an amount on a single meal which can buy flour for an average family for the whole month (Remember in lower socio economic groups Roti is the primary consumption item). If someone is not earning enough even to buy flour than why would he mind blasting Freddy's Cafe rather than watching his family die out of hunger or despair?

Ans: If the person can’t have enough to feed his family than he would kill the people who are overeating and overspending and showing no empathy for his children and family.

American media and society seems to be intolerant towards both of the above mentioned categories of killers but ironically they themselves are no different and represent a third category of killers!

Third type of people who don’t feel while killing the civilians are the ones who kill out of greed (for power, control and authority) and overwhelming desire to display dominance).Such people like Americans don’t feel while killing the “bloody third world civilians” for larger interest of America just like “V’ don’t feel while overeating when millions of people are suffering from hunger and deprivation in the flood struck areas and this way killing continues !


  1. I truely agree that when a loved one is hurt or killed...you are filled with a vengence...but i think that is the way it has always been...the powerfull don't care for the poor and needy ones...and they just live a life of their own...not giving a shit about any one...however, there have been some exceptional cases where some one in a better position actually helped the ones in need and that is what we call a HERO...i pray may God send more heros to this world to end this misery and folly practices of powerfull people who are killing others without mercy...

  2. This is the test which God gave us. We are bound to be within the injunctions of Quran, whatever the conditions be. People opt reaction due to lack of religiosity.
    Americans and other Westernists are not human beings. They are just bio-products. So it is alright for a bio-product to kill other bio-products for the "progress" of their "national" system.

  3. Superficial judgements and Superficial presentations often lead to such conclusions as highlighted in the article.

    It's worth mentionining that depriviation from basic amentities of life of Balochistan and KPK province have continued since the creation of Pakistan through Wadira, Jirga system. Few wealthy people of that area has deprived whole province from their basic needs including education.

    Drone attacks are a story of the recent years (it should not be taken as I am favouring drone attacks). I have Army colleagues who have worked and posted in those areas and at times they tell their own eye witnessed stories of helplessness of the people of that area. The drone attacks are probably the result of "Ah" of some innocent who has seen his family getting ruined by the wealthy becasue we Pakistanis never cared for the deprived.

    Besides, its not that simple a philosphy as you have mentioned regarding suicide bombing or mass killing. Its also about the people who use them. This is a big question mark, I guess.

  4. Honestly speaking, Marxists and Muslims must unite to face the menace of capitalism (Meesaq-e-Madina Principle). Western Capitalism is a common enemy of Islam, Marxism and humanity. Muslims and Marxists both have "Binding Concepts" regarding their world views. This could give them a common ground for an alliance against the most mean enemy of humanity, Satan could produce in the whole history.

  5. Facts are quite acceptable, one more side that you missed is Jahadi element. But all of these are assumptions. To me it's not just one but many factors which are linked to this suicidal attacks.

    Asim Mahboob

  6. Its wonderful and impressive too.

