Friday, November 6, 2009

Is it Zardari’s time for Ghardari?

These days every Pakistani is amazed at the way MQM has gained position in popular politics and attention by the media through their stance on NRO and Asif Zardari’s resignation. The way Mutehda leaders are responding, it appears that they themselves were not expecting outcomes of their decisions to be this positive for seeking attention at the National level and especially by the National level media which always appeared apprehensive about Mutehda’s Politics due to its rough behavior in Karachi towards private channels (Attack on Aaj T.V office and blocking of private channels transmission through cable operators etc).

Even though it is still too early to expect that MQM would be able to increase its National assembly seats from outside Sindh, Kashmir and Gilgit in the near future but they seem to be learning tricks of the trade (National level politics).Mutehda has done real damage to Pakistan People’s Party which now is unable to ENCASH Bhutto family’s sacrifices due to major corruption scandals and spilling mismanagement. Many ministers have joined their co-chairman by making commitments which they did not honor (after all getting rid of load shedding was not written in Holy grail!) and by getting involved in immoral (America’s visit dance party scandal) and corruption scandals (Raja Ashraf’s rental power plants along with a long list of Mr.Zardari’s friends involved with Land Mafia and Banking industry scandals).The silliest mistake of all was trying to get direct control over Intelligence agencies ( failed effort to merge ISI with interior ministry and use of IB funds to finance coup against PML(N) in Punjab.

At this stage Triumphs seem to be heading towards PML (N) which seems to be preferable by Army over Pakistan People’s Party (Shahbaz Sharif and Caudhry Nisar’s recent meeting with Army chief).Main stream media also acknowledges its popularity and in the memory of masses there are no major corruption scandals but a principled stance for restoration of judiciary and party’s position against NRO.

To add more to the misery of People’s Party leadership ,all the tools for controlling judiciary seem to be gone and party co-chairman wants to survive with a team which never believed in him (actually avoided him when Ms Bhutto was alive due to his never ending appetite for Free Rides and Lunch).

Some people say that Pakistan People’s party has always survived against adversaries and will still survive but in my opinion this time the fortress has been set on fire by the ones who were supposed to protect it and the only way out is to change the commander and bring in someone interested in saving the Castle (and in making it a fortress).


  1. inam all these agencies like ISI MI IB in all countries are reporting to interior ministries, ISI in the 1988 when late Benazir formed her first govt. from day 1 started to destabilized her govt few facts abt tht were given by Brig. (retd) imtiaz. nawaz sharif who doesn't have a brain was made the national leader by this ISI what a pitte now as by the constitution the duty of Army n other agencies is to work for national defence looking after foreign agents not doing these things of destabilising the elected govt. i remember we contested 5 elections i.e 85, 88, 90,93 all these elections we contested from peoples party n we lost the election by a margin of 8-10k we improved but still we lost in 2001 my cousin left us n joined PML Q he had to give undertaking to army only then he won the district nazim election and after tht in next election we were again in peolples party the cousin who was in Q league against all odds (PML-N)who were our rivals from day 1 won the election and on tht day PML-N supporters started to say we don't how we lost the election the same things we used to say in 85,88,90,93 so ISI is not doing their duty, some body must shown them quarters n their limitations
    i'm not saying tht zardari is not corrupt the thing is he's trying to do the right thing army judiciary media and PML-N needs some reliefs from him n in order to get them they r trying to sent him out of the office

  2. talking abt PML-N's corruption from 1985 t0 1993 ittefaq foundry was running without any utility charges i mean there was no electricity or gas meter no other charges it wasn't running on papers ppl used get ittefaq iron bar without any recipts so technically they didn't do any corruption how many loans they got right off how many tax kick backs how much commisssion from daewoo n stuff ISI n army is protecting because they formed them so can't say anything plus CH. Nisar n shahbaz sharif gave assurities to Army cheif as Kiani was a close alley n junior of NIsar's elder brother GEN(retd) Iftikhar (late) who happend to be the defence sec in 99 n CGS in 97 so army will put his wieght behind PML-N

  3. I agree that in any civilized society, for every type of administration, Final authority and control should be under the Executive (The way President is the supreme commander for armed forces) but things take time to happen. Our political parties lack administrative experience (due to continuous Amy interference in the political process)and they also need to build Goodwill about their administrative abilities and trust me major corruption issues wouldn’t help in this regard(Army men are no Angels but it is not a justification for embezzlement).
    My point is to have a gradual buildup, keeping the allies in tact (by honoring the commitments made).Inshallah like all the developed world we would have rule of Law one day.

    Inam Arif Qasmi

  4. · If MQM wants to launch its politics in Punjab, I guess it will harm PPP, not PML (N). Psychology of the supporters of PML (N) is such that they can switch to Tehreek-e-Insaf, but not MQM. Supporters of PPP have more likelihood to support MQM, if they decide to give up their support for PPP. This analysis is regarding urban areas. People living in rural areas are just slaves. Slaves have no independent opinion.
    · All secret agencies must be under civilian government’s control. Keeping them in military control will keep the interference of military in government affairs. If politicians are not that mature, they will learn and get maturity with the passage of time.
    · In my view, if PPP fails to survive in a position of a major political force, it will be a blessing of God on Pakistan. After the death of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, PPP took critical U-turns in its policies. Bhutto’s PPP had clear stance on its non-aligned character. It was anti-imperialist party. Benazir turned it into a completely pro-US party. One must read Zulfiqar Bhutto’s book “the Myth of Freedom” and should compare it with Benazir’s book “Reconciliation”. It will be apparent that Benazair and ZA Bhutto had nothing in common. Benazir was in complete opposition to what is call “Bhuttoism”. Prime Minister of the present PPP government Yousaf Raza Gillani was a minister in Zia’s regime.
    · The emotional construction of Pakistani masses is such that addition of one more martyr in the list will resurrect PPP. Or just coming back of Bilawal and starting his political carrier will give rebirth to PPP. (May God make my guess untrue).
    · Everything is okay to welcome PML(N). I take for granted for a moment that they are absolutely sincere for Pakistan. The question remains: have they required wisdom and skill to deliver?

  5. Thanks uzair for joining!.Interesting comparison which you made (I have not read either of the books which you mentioned but according to my limited observation at media content i think its true).irrespective of my personal opinion about MQM,I think they are selling the right Goods at the right place and their growth strategy has worked so far.One probability which i see is execution of Bangladesh model in Pakistan(please check my next Blog post on monday).
