Thursday, June 3, 2010

Searching for a Leader (Everywhere including inside You!)

At various discussions about condition of our country I find people concluding the discussion through any of the following remarks

Someone like Khomeini is needed here!
Only a bloody revolution is the solution!
“V” lack leaders who can deliver!
Its all because of the leaders that “V” are ………up!

Do leaders reflect the nation or are the nations a reflection of their leaders?

If we consider leaders like Mahathir Muhammad and Quaid E Azam than “V” realize that single person’s charisma can influence millions but on the other hand if “V” consider nations like China, India, than their growth in the last four decades cant be associated to any single leader who changed them altogether but rather these nations kept on discovering people in different walks of life which wanted to deliver excellence and had the ability to aspire others to adopt the same approach.

Is there anything common in the Nations which grow and develop quickly?

Here are few possible explanations

They keep religion out of their economic activities (whereas “V” justify our laziness under notions like It wasn’t God’s will! or “V” should not spend much effort on worldly matters as these would be over as soon as the judgment day arises so “V” should rather focus on prayers and meditation!)

They give more priority to conduct and discipline (the two elements are also present in our religion but practically “V” have shifted our focus on religious appearance/getup and prayers rather then exploring what God wants us to discover through efforts and belief.

People of Developed nations are nationalists ( “V” are not sure if “V” are a nation)

Why are “V” discussing this topic?

Pakistan is going through a critical time and many people still don’t believe that disintegration of Pakistan is of any interest for the Americans. They feel that Gwader port,Unexplored natural resources and Nuclear assets are of no concern for the troika of America ,India and Israel but I feel that the time is getting closer when Americans would want to operate in the region directly rather than through manipulation of the Governments. I also feel that in the next stage of American planning, present government would be removed within this year even if it survived through July2010 so whenever it all starts happening than ”V” should have an idea that what kind of people can guide us to survive.


  1. Allama Iqbal has very aptly described the whole situation in these words
    " Agar ho deen juda siyast say
    tou rah jati hai faqt changazi"
    above all Prophet(pbuh) has said the leader of the nation is from amongst them, meaning our leaders are a reflection of our character.
    Lastly we misinterpret or misunderstand taqdeer/the will of God. Allah all mighty being the all knowledgeable has and can foresee our destiny(what ever we will do) (just like a fortune teller only predicts but he does not make us do what ever we do.) similary Allah has shown us the right or wrong path and we have been given the choice to choose either paths and this is what we would be rewarded or punished for, so we cannot blame our failures on taqdeer.
    Even psychologists r of the opinion that if we want to suceed in life then the first step is learning to "TAKE RESPONSIBILTY OF OUR ACTS".

  2. i dont know whether there is something common in developed countries, but there is certainly a widespread disease in our nation: dishonesty, corruption, selfishness. every person, on every level is trying to get ahead by hook or by crook. that is the scenario in the ruling class also.

  3. Leaders are like the basic driving force determining the destiny of its followers. No nation, corporate body, NGO or any other entity cannot flourish in the absence of good leadership. Example of China and India are basically due to their eminent leadership nationally. they may not appear as leaders of inetrnational repute thats why they do not seem as dominant as other leaders which you know as leaders.

    Predictions you make are always inclined towards revolution and supermacy of other nations over Pakistan. this time you have even passed that supermacy limit and declared that they may take over Pakistan. Well God Knows whats going to happen but thats not going to happen what you have predicted.

    Things in Pakistan are improving with time. For instance, take the legislation front, 18th amendment, revival of Justice Iftikhar Ch. etc.

    Betterment within our society is based on delivery of avilable resources of Pakistan to general public which isnt happening due to corrupt bureacracy. this corruption is primarliy based on pay structures of public employees not compatible with minimum susbsistance level. I belive that a good bureacracy will lead to peace and economic prosperity nationwide.

    Keeping religion out in business/politics is true for those whose religion does not cover these issues. But for us, we have the truly supreme religion which provide guidance on every aspect of our life. The developed nations practice those teachings and eminent writers on leadership pronounce those teachings for social and corporate success e.g. Steven Covey

    All the best
