Friday, March 19, 2010

Might is Right!(Very right?)

“V” the Pakistanis dislike when people display dominance at social interaction platforms. “V” feel uncomfortable when people consider themselves superior on the basis of wealth they have accumulated, the designation they are working at, Cast they belong to, Neighborhood they are living in etc.

Reason why this mindset is objectionable is that it pushes for discriminatory treatment like an An Army Col would never want to stand in the queue to buy a Pizza or a Policeman would not want to pay for a stage play’s ticket.
Belief that Laws should be bent for people who belong to higher socio economic groups or status has become so popular that there is a mad race going on to gain power so that “V” can be treated exclusively in the society rather than enjoying spending what we have earned through our hard work and as a result “V” have forgot to differentiate between fair and unfair! and same is reflected through our politicians which are individuals who became Public representatives to be treated exclusively rather than people who join the parliament to bring a positive change in the society which they represent.

What are the factors which push a person to adopt this belief that might is right!

1: People have been abused while being weak and now they want to gain and exercise power to seek revenge from whatever comes their way.

2: People lack substance to achieve something on their own so they seek Might as a cover.

3: People are cannibals by nature so survival routs from eating others like us!

4: “V” are such bad parents that we do not teach our children any Values but just tools to be out of reach for others.

Please add comment if you consider any of the above mentioned as the primary reason for display of power publicly.

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