Friday, February 5, 2010

Can I make a difference?

A lot has been discussed about Aafia Siddiqui.Media talks about her academic background and her association with prestigious institutes like MIT.At the talk shows Politicians from the ruling party defend themselves by saying that it all happened (Her arrest from Karachi) in Musharaf regime and they have nothing to do with it.Opposition scores points against the government by accusing them of negligence and poor followup of the case. “V” the Pakistanis talk about the fact that it could happen to anyone of us and that no Pakistani is safe and something should be done about it. “V” are discussing it the way “V” always do and things keep on getting from bad to worse .

Since the last couple of years I have started feeling that the people with decision making authority do nothing and they just talk about the issues and justify their failures.If I look down upon them for this reason than I should be different from them .After listening to the news of her conviction and a recount of the events by her sister I considered possible ways of reacting like Painting her name on my car to show solidarity.Wearing a black protest band during school hours so that students ask about it and I answer to create more awareness about the issue but these options looked easy.Irrespective of their effectiveness I had a feeling that I am doing what everyone else is doing i.e I am just talking!Than came the option of running a campaign against American products through the blog but we are bound to use so many American products which are required for survival and for our national growth and quitting such items would actually would’t bother Americans but hurt our own progress.I realised that even if I cant stop using microsoft Window or rest of the items which make America the largest economic entity on the planet,the least degree of sacrifice that I can make is to boycott such American items which are not needed for growth or survival like American entertainment so my dear fellas today on 5th of february 2010 I quit American music and movies
which I am so fond of and I am doing it because it’s the least that I can do to show solidarity to a daughter of my country who was taken away against Pakistani laws and without any trial due to the fact that “V” the Pakistanis are such shameless greedy cowards that we sell our women whenever we need to .”V” are a nation with no integrity,no moral values,no ownership to our heritage and no belief that there is a God whom we will return to !

Please share your opinion by adding comments to the following!

Would quitting American entertainment make a difference when “V” all get pirated media which does not generate any income for Americans and “V” cant boycott rest of the American products?

Do symbolic gestures (like quitting consumption items) really matter to nations?

Does it matter to feel sad and angry when no one else is watching?


  1. ofcourse it helps divert ur emotions(if there too drastic) from someone takes burden off the people who care

  2. Inam, why is it so that we Pakistanis are "shameless greedy cowards". Grace, benevolence and courage are traits of human beings. The majority of Ummah is facing a "human crisis". We are not human beings. We have degenerated to homo sapien animals. Political problems are symptoms of our greater human crisis. As Muslim I can give no plan to solve it on secular level. (I agree secular solutions do exist). I have only religious solution to this. Connect with Quran, through people like Iqbal, Maududi etc.
