Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Blood sucking lover!

One of the most frequent questions which I ask from my students is if they like to read Books of any type or by some particular author and the usual reply which I get is Oh! Books are so boring and then they tell me their ideas of recreation which include SMS wars, crank calls, movies and music etc.

About an year ago I started noticing a book at the desks of the class during free periods or with my students .The title “Twilight” attracted me because of its colors which were red and black After going through the introduction and asking few questions, I came to know that it’s a new series by a writer Stephanie Meyers and the theme revolves around falling in love with a vampire!. The writer has been very elaborative about vampire charms and related description.

My immediate reaction was Oh! another teenage Fad but to my surprise (and to bit disappointment) I noticed students following the second part (and going crazy at the movie of the first one).

I know sometimes different things gain popularity just because a crowd joins in to follow the Fad but soon they loose it when the crowd moves out for some newer interest. In this particular case surprising element was the theme which inspired the teens (A blood sucking lover!).Even though the over all effort seems to be about highlighting good side of being a vampire.

This fascination can have various explanations like these days society is under constant threats of violent groups but the system and its associates which are supposed to defend us, seem to be getting weaker due to which our idea of security and protection comes from things and people with unnatural powers. The other opinion can be the typical one, Falling in love with a human is just a bit too typical so let’s try something new!

Please reply with your comments on the above mentioned trends or your own opinion about the mentioned topic. (Please send web address of this Blog http:// to your mailing and messaging lists in order to expand this community for discussing various elements of Pakistani society)


  1. goin crazy abou twilight ix 1 dilemma!
    i personally condemn da buk wich seems 2 me as jus a shortcut 4om facng realities o lyfe n portrays a rathr obscene luv story,far 4om practical approach o man o Edward n Bella!!GOD watz goin on wid ppl o such tender ages?!?!?!?i cn only imagne wat mite bcum o future o r country

  2. Twilight i agree lyk any oder fictional teenage books revolves around da same kind of situation dat is a girl falling head over heals in luv wid a guy who apparently is a vampire. I noe dis mite sound a bit crazy but i confess dat i lyk twilight a lot. n is not only because of edward or jacob but also because it is comforting in a world where everywhere we see is terrorism which ultimately leads 2 misery n grief. Da book atleast reminds one dat deyre is a happy endin after all da hardships one faces. dou highly superfictional but it atleast made me optimistic. i noe one shud encourage da oder2 read naovels which r true stories based on da everyday life of a man but 2 me dey r not only source of enlightenment but also a major source of depression,frustration n severe headache followed by a torrent of shud not keep his eyes closed n live in fantasy but one shud neither start livin in da world in such a way dat ure lyf becums mundane n adventureless. Twilight 2 me is a really gud book wid great vocabulary along with sensitivity,optimisim, hope, unconditional love and a sweeet storyline. dou i can write a thesis but illl conclude dat people of my age espicially whi dnt lyk twilight ill give dem a piece of advice... yaar phir na paro aur jo phartey hain uney tang maat karo!!!

  3. Thanks for visiting the Blog and sharing your opinion.Most of the time its a favour to tell what you actually feel.Even though i dont agree with it but i respect your opinion.

    See you in the next post!
    Inam Arif Qasmi
