Friday, July 31, 2009

Coke Studio

Asalam U Alaikum,

These days the new in thing in Town are the songs produced under Coke studio which is a sponsored program by the famous cola drink .The theme is Fusion of Eastern Classical/Folk music with POP music, performed by artists which can be considered Pakistani music heart throbs and the whole effort is produced by Rohail Hayat(Vital Signs fame).
Now when couple of episodes have been aired and every body is talking about it and appreciation seems to be coming from all sorts of people,The Rs 17 question is that why do not we feel digestion for classical anf pakistani folk music in their raw form especially when these are considered to be complete forms of music having routs spread over hundreds of years and foundations built upon purity and truth regarding human centiments and feelings.Is it because these two are and were never before music for masses and in order to understand them it is important to translate them into some thing having access accross all social groups like POP music(Popular mucic)the way it has happened in west where Artists like Jimmy Handrix,Elvis Presely and many others used Blues,Jazz and country music and presented it with simplar or fused expressions.
Second opinion about acceptance of Ancient type of music under modren presentation can be that change is inevitable and people have lost appetite for traditions and they only accept old form of performing arts after it changes its appearance (one reason why Cinema has evolved so much over a period of time as use of technology has allowed to present ancient art of acting with so much effects).
Please share your views about Coke Studio and trend of Fusion music in Pakistan by replying to this blog.(Please send web address of this Blog http:// to your mailing lists in order to expand this community for discussing various elements of Pakistani society)

1 comment:

  1. interesting observation here. Well, about your rs17 question :P...we would need to consider subcontinents tumultuous history of past thousand years, where its has been a recipient of so many civilizations' influence. Maybe the 'fusion' need has thus been genetized by environment!

