Friday, June 12, 2015


With the passage of time I have realized that Islam for us the Muslims has two functional areas or sections :

A: Worshiping
B: Conduct

Generally 'V' the Muslims are more concerned about those activities which connect a person directly with God like offering prayers or reciting the holy Quran but 'V' tend to show lesser concern about those acts which connect a Muslim with other Muslims,Non Muslims and other living creatures like animals etc.

At this age when I am almost 38,I have started feeling that "IF" not more than at least equal(to have a connect with God) in importance is our conduct with other people and living beings. In fact 'V'can never really feel God's presence without feeling love for its creations.
However once God's presence is felt then sooner or later Faith upon him is tested.

When you start believing that:

Giving money to poor people or financially helping them actually increases your own wealth than suddenly you start experiencing financial setbacks or losses.

God has picked the right person for you as a life partner ,you start feeling tempted for other options.

Daughters blessed to you are as lovely as a son could have been and you get another daughter.

You have developed enough patience for your very old parents but they become even more childlike.

Offering prayers is a compulsion but you start getting busier.

During these and similar tests of Faith 'V'need to remember these words by Stephan king "If the Devil is real than God must be real too (If living is hell than Heaven after living must be real too!

God could guide us through a Book (Quran)only but he also used a person(Sunnah) to show that how living in tougher circumstances and protecting Faith can become a source for progression towards purity and God.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Selfie Kids and Pakistan's future?

As a teacher and member of urban society I interact with parents. I find parents who are over stretching to buy luxury and private education for their kids. I meet fathers (who discuss possible shape of job market after ten years for kids who are currently in eighth grade) and mothers (who want their daughters to be prominent at both Mehndi and Millad and if possible than also on result day!).For their kids good jobs or foreign immigration and their timely marriages into families which can afford comfort is all these parents seem to care for. Without exception none of these parents seems to be encouraging kids for having a purpose in life and to pursuit creativity, imagination and inner happiness.

I teach students (At grammar Schools)who are teenagers. Boys and Girls who have just started feeling young, believing that they are very Good looking, Strong and Intelligent and they look beautiful with typical selfie expression i.e. sidewards face , slightly dropped jaw and eyes displaying aggression and self-belief for personal looks. These kids are full of confidence. They are friendly but do not show usual expressions and signs of showing respect to elders. If you cant fetch references to R&B music, new movies, popular restaurants, cars, mobiles ,soccer , wealth or anything associated with financial prosperity in discussions than it becomes difficult to become friendly with them. Unlike their elders (thanks to unfiltered and unchecked access to adult content)they are very open to discussions and activities which are traditionally not done publicly. These Selfie kids are very open to interact with opposite gender and this interaction is not bound to timings or frequency due to Social media, Mobile phones and prepaid emotions! Due to being too much occupied with electronic gadgets and/or socialization they find little time for Books and Sports thus do not fulfill traditional criteria’s of balanced personality.They love so much being in the present that past (like national history related events before and after 1947,1965,1971 etc)and future(possible water crises and outcome of separatists movement in Baluchistan etc)do not seem to be their concern.

The reason why I am discussing these parents and kids is that they reflect that part of Urban society which initiates trends and develops cultures to be followed by rest of the population. It is very significant that these people (who are influenced by western society but do not suffer from inferiority complex due to better education and exposure)understand that no society has ever progressed without remembering its own history and without following any set of values(Moral ,Nationalist or religious).Being influential on rest of population demands responsibility. ”V” will have to understand that now Europe and America are likely to reduce number of immigrants from Pakistan due to terrorism and due to cheaper skilled workforce availability from Bangladesh , India and from some of the other Asian countries. If “V” want our kids to have a safer and better society to live in than “V” will have to spend more time with them sharing what mistakes their elders made when national history was in the making and what mistakes can be avoided now when history is still in the making!I feel "V" will have to encourage our kids to develop interest in Research(beyond Google!),Sports ,Art and Literature."V" will have to show them pleasures beyond food,Clothing and electronic gadgets.

Note:I have absolutely no idea of who this guy is in tittle pic .I just found this image appropriate for this post while searching from Internet so it can be removed if it is private.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

“V” Muslims beyond 2014

I have never really researched or studied to become familiar with Islamic history and fundamentals so I very much represent major part of this country’s population which follows religion according to its own convenience and with very limited knowledge about core Islamic concepts. However like most of my countrymen I absorb religion related info from Elders, Media and Mosque.

I feel that in an Islamic state implementation of Islamic practices and promoting Islam to non-Muslims both within the state and to other states is given primary importance rather than directly focusing on public welfare and giving freedom in terms of sexual practices, female participation in Economic/Educational/Media/Sports activities the way it is done in non-Islamic states.

I really do not think that current co-education system, cable channels, cinema, concerts, working women, Interest based banking fits in an Islamic state so practically if today our society ACTUALLY becomes Islamic than there would be no females on T.V, No films. Females would have little chance of joining any activity in which they have to leave their houses everyday and remain unaccompanied from their family males like for getting education or for work/play.
Holy Prophet used all types of strategies for spreading Islam like he preached as well as fought wars, Made contracts when he was dominant (in worldly terms) or when he had to make compromises for surviving and for larger interest of religion .Holy prophet chose appropriate course of action while keeping the broader picture in mind so he displayed both tolerance and courage .
Now a days most of the people who are recognized in the society by being associated with religion either through preaching or through Jihad generally fail to reflect their role model in behavior (they do not show a kind character while remaining Firm for the cause and they also tend to follow Islamic practices without truly understanding true spirit of many Islamic orders thus appearing backward in modern times paradoxically while promoting a religion which is meant to survive till the end of time and which concluded God’s orders for mankind).

As an individual I am not clear about which option is better to bring Peace and welfare in Pakistan which seems to be disturbed due to conflict between two different types of Muslims i.e. Moderates (who appear to have more casual approach towards religion and who feel that it is ok to have in the society performing Arts, Women participation in social and economic activities and Interest based banking) and Fundamentalists(who want to follow and make others follow Islamic orders as the words of the order suggest without much digging about philosophy behind the order).

Available options for our society are

1: keep the country constitutionally Islamic while keeping the current media,banking and social policies? (This way “V” will stay away from Xtreme unislamic practices like use of pork, alcohol and having boundryless sexual freedom but major part of the society would be able to follow a lighter version of Islam thus modernism would be added to religion HOWEVER this approach is based upon hypocracy as Limits imposed by religion are crossed this way rather than just being stretched).

2:Change the constitution and make Pakistan a Secular state (With religion off the priority list everyone would focus on required economic /social contribution. People with rich foreign exposure indicate that they are more comfortable to practice Islam while living abroad where they find equality ,rule of law and economic prosperity HOWEVER in western societies absolute freedom has shown gradual change/deterioration in moral values like growing same sex bonding ,diminishing sanctity of close relations, use of drugs etc).

3: Decide to make Pakistan an Islamic state where as a society no compromise will be made on fundamental elements/practices of Islam ( This way pain of living would become easier to bear as “V” would know that eventually “V” would be rewarded by God. There can be collective welfare through Islamic practices like lower crime rate due to stricter Islamic punishments etc HOWEVER transition towards a pure Islamic state can be a real test of beliefs and patience. Urban women might be resistant against reduced freedom of movement, work and sports. A society which is so fond of Hollywood and Bollywood might find it tough to quit movies of their favorite stars like Shah Rukh Khan or Jenifer Lawrence. It is debatable if suggested (highly emphasized by religious groups) practices for Muslim males like keeping beard, exposing ankles etc are actually part of the core Islamic practices. Except for acknowledging existence of fundamental beliefs/practices related to God, Holy Prophet, five prayers, Pilgrimage, Zakat and Fasting there is a huge difference of opinion on ways of practicing Islam and believers from different Islamic groups can become violent while advocating and pushing their style of practicing Islam. People belonging to different sects are very less tolerant and open to accommodate other sects. Due to these reasons only very basic elements of Islam can be collectively implemented like Interest free banking, Dress code for women etc.

I personally feel that option one would prevail but it would push both type of extremism i.e. religious and Anti religious. As a society “V” would suffer because neither Islam is likely to penetrate through characterless people (remember currently Amir Liaqat Hussain and Maulana Fazal urRehman/Abdul-Aziz type of people are supposed to be religious opinion makers) nor economy would progress with so much Law and Order related mess and brain drain.

Please share your opinion by adding comments that which option would you go for.