Thursday, June 19, 2014

Spilled and Forgotten

For the whole Model Town/Tahir Ul qadri episode, my assessment is that for Punjab Govt, Qadri is coming to disrupt democracy at the request of establishment so that pressure can be built for release of Musharaf.Anyone living in Lahore and who moves around the area (Model Town Ext)can tell that students at Minhaj ul Quran have never been known for violence so Punjab Govt must have thought that a simple hush through Police would make the Academicians/Students back out from Qadri support and with a thinner crowd welcoming ,Qadri will occupy less space in media.

Violent reaction from Qadri/Pakistan Awami Tehreek took police by surprise and lower rank officers opened fire without any instructions and as a result actually innocent people lost their lives just because they could not differentiate between religion and personalities. Up to this level scapegoats could be used and police officers could be sacked to prove innocence of Govt but even uglier was the follow up response by provincial ministers who appeared before the media after tragic incident when Govt tried to justify the happenings. Now the question is should "V" the people wait for five years till next election or should our response be immediate?

Traditionally when we consider events in the greater interest of country than it becomes easier to justify lot of blood spill ,loss of lives. Values can be redefined and moral values become secondary .Only the end result matters. I often come across people who say that Revolution is the only way to improve this country. All the politicians should be hanged and a Govt of true and honest people should be established(supposedly of people like Qadri). What they do not tell me is that how those honest and religious people would be identified/Verified and made acceptable to major part of the population without any electoral process(because if there is an electoral process involved than we already have it).

No developed country has progressed without systems/institutions in place. For me Musharaf's single most biggest sin is that he held democracy from progressing for nine years. When Army brings people like Tahir Ul Qadri so that things can be kept under control(its own control) than paradoxically its done by an institution where Unity of Command and discipline are above the religion. People/Generals come and go but Army as an institution remains supreme but this same Army does not allow other institutions(like National assembly) to flourish and gain strength.

Just like modern wars are fought more at economic fronts similarly nature of revolution has also changed .Now revolution means establishing effective institutions where nobody is indispensable. Now revolution means GDP growth(better standard of living) and gaining access to modern technology and improving quality of life by providing easier access to opportunities for personal development and growth. I am a practicing Muslim but I am not convinced that known Pakistani religious political parties actually have the administrative ability to handle economy and society where urban population follows religion according to its own comfort .

People who lose their lives the way PAT(Pakistan Awami Tehreek) workers did set an example for others but before following their footsteps we need to be clear if sacrifice is for a person or for a cause so that the blood spilled is not forgotten with the people it was spilled for.


  1. Let's not forget that this man has the weapon of speech convincing people of what right what wrong . He manipulates people on religious ground's and it is well known that we pakistani's do before thinking so we already have concrete grounds a different perspective of this man doing wrong . As pakistani and living in Pakistan why do we even consider an outsiders view. The thing that is government is of humans and humans change. Why look back just live the present and plane for future. I see future as infrastructure and it is growing. Where as for police we say just saw a strong law enforcement . I personally went past the block . People seemed to be stupid getting exploited in the heat by this man . What was their purpose to gather in the first place. Police just reduced the opportunity for terrorist it is better few get killed by own choice the hundreds getting blasted without a chance of stepping out.

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