Wednesday, December 17, 2014

“V” beyond 12/16

Nations rise when they struggle together either due to collective interest or after a collective loss. I felt an air of indifference on many National tragedies and found many people emotionally very cold after incidents like attack on GHQ and on KAMRA Air Base and even after reported deaths of so many children and women in Thar Desert Sind (with death toll similar to Peshawar incident) .This all changed after Peshawar incident (Terrorist attack on Army Public School on December 16, 2014).I saw genuine grief in the society. I saw people crying who otherwise appear to be very casual in real life. I am very cautious in believing when media highlights something but it looks like sentiments are actually similar across the country.
So what is next?

If we continue to wait for something radical to happen on its own than I am afraid that things would go from bad to worse. As a nation we need to answer few fundamental questions collectively if “V” want to move on.

1: To what extent do we want religion to be part of civil law? (Current Law and Order situation seems to root from the fact that different sects want to impose their own brand of religion like

a: Jihadists/Taliban who practically promote military war against non-Muslims and who do not allow women to participate in education, economic, political and social activities. These people apparently do not believe in National boundaries and want to form Islamic State /Khilafat/Caliphate by joining Afghanistan, Parts of Pakistan (KPK and Federally administered areas) and some part of China. Current crises is associated with these people.

b:Local Ahle Hadees are the people who are supposed to be well-wishers of Jihadists but most of them physically do not join it. Many of such people are accused to be financially/Logistically supporting Jihadists. Such people are least tolerant towards modern urban culture which is highly influenced by West.
Other sects like Barelvi or Shiates are not known to be imposing their beliefs on the whole society though they are also accused to have militant wings which are used against opponent militant wings. People who advocate support and participation in Jihad indicate that Pakistan constitutionally is an Islamic state but practically unislamic acts like assisting non-Muslim Army (USA), Interest based banking and display of western values on media and at public places etc are growing so its naïve to assume that such a state would ever call for Jihad and its very natural that independent Jihadist groups are spreading.

2: Are “V” ready to allocate budget to our Police the way “V” do for Army?(One accusation on Army is that it never allows another force to be built which is trained on military standards but is under civilian control).Huge resources would be required to recruit and Train
i) Detectives ii) Field operatives
who can run local intelligence network and can successfully intercept terrorist attacks locally.

3: What kind of media censor policy are we ready to tolerate ( Skin exposure is something which can never ever be justified on Islamic grounds and which can easily stimulate anti state/anti-social sentiment of the religious militants so stricter and clearer censor policy is required Unless society collectively decides and announces that it does not want entertainment media to have too much religious influence.

4: What kind of Public accountability is required for holy Cows?(What kind/degree of criticism on National Institutions like Intelligence Agencies and Judiciary etc would go against national interest and to what level it would ensure that there is no misuse of power for personal gains? Should institutional Heads be answerable to Parliamentary committees the way it happens for Congress in USA? )

5: What kind of legislation is needed to facilitate speedy and secure trials of Terrorists and what will ensure that such provisioning in Law is used against enemies of the State rather than against personal enemies?

6: How can we arrange and use resources to develop physical infrastructure in KPK,FATA and also in Baluchistan so that employment rate in such areas improves through higher economic activity and youth does not find pay cheques coming from employers of private Militias.

7:Are “V” ready to spend on development of Sports/Performing Arts industries which actually provide avenues to youth for expressing themselves and which also generate lot of activity in modern economies.

I think once we answer these fundamental questions than it would be easy to keep everyone along and focused on National Interest(and most members of society would define National Interest in the same way!).

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Long (March) way to go

14 August is coming but like me many others apparently are giving little thought to organizing celebrations for freedom (which we need to cherish more after Narendra Modi’s arrival as Indian P.M which takes back India away from secularism and more towards corporate Hindu India).Had we still been in United India than our individual paths to progress would have come through displaying detachment with Islamic faith the way Indian Muslim movie stars do.

I often ask my elders that why are Indians a Nation(with about 56 languages spoken though 8 are officially recognized in 29 states) whereas “V” are not. I still have not got a satisfactory reply. Comparison with India has bubbled into my mind because just over an year of last election again there are talks about removing Govt which has been elected for five years. Lets see the relation between political stability and National growth and why should “V” be concerned about consequences of the Long March announced by Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf(PTI) plus why there is a reference to India.

Democracy is desirable because it gives us choice. It allows people to elect who they find capable of looking after their economic and social interests. On the other hand in Autocracy may it be through a King or a Military leader , there is no choice. Whole nation has to follow his instructions no matter how undesirable they are. People in Pakistan often confuse people with system. Supporters of Musharaf and Ayub do not realize that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Military leaders or kings initially take many measures to please people so that they are accepted but eventually lose patience against criticism, tend to break free from self imposed moral values. Worst part is that people close to them are just as above the system as the leader himself so abuse of power by their relatives and friends becomes inevitable and nothing can be done about darlings of the autocrat leader.

There are three Reasons why many people are still not clear about importance of democracy .Firstly Army has ruled this country for about 33 years directly and has intervened in the political system for many other years by not allowing free policy making by political institutions .Secondly it has not been transferred to grass root level and little has been done for local body elections and for financial autonomy of local body institutions. Thirdly there are indications that one organization or collaboration of three organizations tempers election results (under the assumption that they are doing it for the greater interest of the country) so true representatives of people struggle to make it to the assemblies and those people are elected who are good at making democracy unpopular.

In my opinion one effective way of making the people united as a Nation is to let the people work for a common cause like achieving economic prosperity. For which they can choose /elect people for policy making and regulation and that is where democracy comes in. It allows to show who the people trust collectively to look after them economically and socially. Thus democracy is a way of bringing people together (a nation) .
PTI’s long march is a right thing coming at a wrong time (Timing is wrong for the country but right for the party).My feeling is that PTI has been deprived of about 6-8 national assembly seats (not sure about how many have the been blessed with!)by the people /institution which organized the results .I certainly do not find it a coincidence that four provinces are ruled by four different parties which have strong presence in their respective provinces thus giving voice to different casts plus one party with better macro-economic management skills has been given a clear majority to cleanup the economic mess. It all seems to be too good to be true. Apparently someone was very clear that result of the election should bring “everyone” on board.

My feeling is that PTI and Tahir ul qadri combined would be able to bring about 125,000 people to Islamabad who would stay and try to force Army to Intervene. In case of any major mishap both PML(N)and PTI would lose along with the country as there would be NO FREE AND FAIR ELLECTION FOLLOWING. Thus both democracy and National growth would be restricted (Indians elected a person they hate because of his management abilities so despite Modi’s strong hindu orientation he represents a united India and he would work for all casts to ensure sustained rule of his party but there is no such pressure on an individual/Autocrat who practically is not answerable to anybody).

I believe in two party system. There should be two parties with presence in all the provinces. After Benazir Bhutto PPP is not likely to remain a national party (not at least for the next ten years) rather it is likely to survive in Sind only.PTI can fill this gap .Problem is that as a party even if they achieve required electoral reforms (assuming democracy is not derailed to avoid chaos in the capital)and wait for the next election there is no guarantee that PTI would get majority in national assembly (one can guess it through its Performance in KPK)so the people willing to join the march must remember that its still a long way to go for PTI even if it makes it to Islamabad on 14th August.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Spilled and Forgotten

For the whole Model Town/Tahir Ul qadri episode, my assessment is that for Punjab Govt, Qadri is coming to disrupt democracy at the request of establishment so that pressure can be built for release of Musharaf.Anyone living in Lahore and who moves around the area (Model Town Ext)can tell that students at Minhaj ul Quran have never been known for violence so Punjab Govt must have thought that a simple hush through Police would make the Academicians/Students back out from Qadri support and with a thinner crowd welcoming ,Qadri will occupy less space in media.

Violent reaction from Qadri/Pakistan Awami Tehreek took police by surprise and lower rank officers opened fire without any instructions and as a result actually innocent people lost their lives just because they could not differentiate between religion and personalities. Up to this level scapegoats could be used and police officers could be sacked to prove innocence of Govt but even uglier was the follow up response by provincial ministers who appeared before the media after tragic incident when Govt tried to justify the happenings. Now the question is should "V" the people wait for five years till next election or should our response be immediate?

Traditionally when we consider events in the greater interest of country than it becomes easier to justify lot of blood spill ,loss of lives. Values can be redefined and moral values become secondary .Only the end result matters. I often come across people who say that Revolution is the only way to improve this country. All the politicians should be hanged and a Govt of true and honest people should be established(supposedly of people like Qadri). What they do not tell me is that how those honest and religious people would be identified/Verified and made acceptable to major part of the population without any electoral process(because if there is an electoral process involved than we already have it).

No developed country has progressed without systems/institutions in place. For me Musharaf's single most biggest sin is that he held democracy from progressing for nine years. When Army brings people like Tahir Ul Qadri so that things can be kept under control(its own control) than paradoxically its done by an institution where Unity of Command and discipline are above the religion. People/Generals come and go but Army as an institution remains supreme but this same Army does not allow other institutions(like National assembly) to flourish and gain strength.

Just like modern wars are fought more at economic fronts similarly nature of revolution has also changed .Now revolution means establishing effective institutions where nobody is indispensable. Now revolution means GDP growth(better standard of living) and gaining access to modern technology and improving quality of life by providing easier access to opportunities for personal development and growth. I am a practicing Muslim but I am not convinced that known Pakistani religious political parties actually have the administrative ability to handle economy and society where urban population follows religion according to its own comfort .

People who lose their lives the way PAT(Pakistan Awami Tehreek) workers did set an example for others but before following their footsteps we need to be clear if sacrifice is for a person or for a cause so that the blood spilled is not forgotten with the people it was spilled for.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Really ! But he was just 36 !

I attended a funeral for one of my relatives today.Many people die every day. Some while being young (at an age when they are supposed to survive and cherish life) and some die after going through the normal cycle of childhood to youth and then old age (their death is easier to swallow).Today just before the funeral I thought that it can occur to me as well. Being 36 with good health would make my Death News shocking.Many people would say Oh! No! Really! Inam has died? But he was so young, probably in his 30s (someone from my family and friends would say, He was just 36!).

It was interesting imagining me being dead so I started visualizing more about how everyone around me would react.

The room where body would be kept: It will be Crowded, crammed with people. Every now and then someone would be saying typical sentences which I would like to be true but I know people deliver these sentences at many funeral.

“Bus G bara he naik bacha tha,Itna noor toe mein nay aaj tak kisi mourday kay chahray per nahin daikha,Baji hamara Inam toe pehlay say bakhsha hua hai(He was a very piest boy, I have never seen such glow at any dead person’s face,God has already forgiven him).

"Zara iss ki B.V Ka haal daikhu ,bechari ka row row kay bura haal hai,Behnain bhi bari mushkil say apnay aap ko sambhal rahin hain".(Look at his wife,She is crying her heart out,Sisters are also struggling to bear the pain).

Bhai sahib ! Ab ghar ka kharcha kaun uthai ga?(who would run the kitchen now?)

After the funeral ,relatives would be telling my family “Itna bara janaza to aaj tak nahin daikha!(we have never seen such a large funeral).

First three days after death would be painful for all the people known to me but eventually it will be a matter of deleting an extra phone number from phone books and by the time first month would pass ,Things would be very different for “other people” .At the chaaleeswan (ceremony of 40th day from death) women would be noticing each other’s clothing. Men might be discussing standard of the food served. World would be very much a settled place (however it would never be the same for my family! They will have to learn to bear the pain .Every family member like wife, children, sisters would eventually get on with life however I cant imagine that how my mother would survive the loss).

So much for “Others” and Family but what about me!!!???What would I be doing after I die?

Would it turn out to be true that after we die Angels come and question, our conduct in the world ? How and what will I answer? Would there be light or darkness? Or would it be nothing? Would my past existence turn out to be an accident or a lost opportunity (to survive and succeed according to what was taught/indicated to me) because I failed to read the signs?

If death does not really mean an end rather a progression from one world to another, Just change of physical state than I really do not feel prepared for such a change ,do others? Me and most of the people design their routines just for survival. Eating, Networking, Sleeping, Preserving and similar activities are all focused activities for survival but are we focusing in the right direction?

I am not a very religious person but I feel religion does guide about it. Even if we do not believe in it we still need to think that what if religion is actually alarming correctly ?We should at least give it a thought because being humans there has to be some purpose in our life other than survival. It cant be a coincidence that so many living and non-living things have been created/have come into existence just to serve mankind.

Should we be setting goals for a time when Time would not matter and for a world which is difficult to imagine. We do not plan anything but how our families would survive financially or how we can maintain our health in old age but again all of this is related to our present state, What about after it? If there is something after it?

Please share your views regarding death like what is it in your opinion?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Interesting arguments related to Musharraf Trial

1:Its against Army, Causing its humiliation (By this logic no minister, Prime minister can ever be arrested for misuse of authority and corruption as they all are Heads of their respective institutions).

2: Government has bigger issues to solve than following this case (Well this allows many people to kill and steal because Govt should only be focused on inflation and unemployment).

3: Case is based on Personal vendetta (Practically every case in Courts of the country can have this accusation because it can never be proved without fair legal proceedings).

4: Violation of Law was done as Army chief so case should be followed in Military courts (Does it mean that Law of Army is supreme than National Law, What if an Army officer kills a civilian? Will the victim's family go to a Military court for obtaining justice in a closed environment, What will ensure that Institution will not try to protect its member against an outsider?)

Musharaf is an individual and should be treated that way. No developed country in the world has progressed without developing Institutions and without sovereignty of Law. No matter how pathetic they are but Assemblies must also be allowed to grow and mature the way Army as an institution did . Fairness in induction and promotion process ensures institutional growth. Musharaf is guilty in my opinion because he hindered growth of Parliament as an institution(the way Zia-ul-haq, Ayub Khan and Yahya Khan did). With Musharaf’s trial and Punishment “V” will be in a better position to demand justice in civilian institutions(A message would travel that now it can be anybody’s turn otherwise there would be further endorsement of ‘Might is right’.
My personal feeling is that At least there should be Life sentence for which the President might grant pardon at official request of Army chief. I also do not consider it to be a coincidence that both Zia-ul-Haq and Musharaf got into power when Americans needed military based assistance in Afghanistan.